One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello everybody! Still here don't worry.

Well not that anyone cares *cough* *cough* but I still exist and am watching anime AND still blog but I joined a group on the site Daifuuku since I was losing interest in doing it alone with ALMOST no following(not that I cared as much I just like writing). Furthermore I COMPLETELY lost interest in Persona after buying and beating the game 7 weeks ago. I find I can only do like 2 of my favorite shows and can only write about what's interesting in each one. For now on I'll do less episodic blogging if any since there's JUST not enough to say usually. I prefer taking screen caps and writing my thoughts on them, like the scene itself. The HOLY F*CK moments. Anyway I'm more into covering the unconventional. Also projects like Perfect Blue. But that's what is up. I am really looking forward to Black Rock Shooter though. I imagine doing lists and such. But those are the changes if any if the crickets out there were interested! HERES TO AN UPHILL BATTLE!
P.S. Finally someone to "help" out B.G. Bear lol. Don't worry there's a project in the works. Here's to the new year! Happy past holidays to everyone! Just got my Evangelion 1.11 AND 2.22 and I have death and rebirth and end of Evangelion(which because the company closed down is worth bank) so perhaps I'll have some stuff to do with that.

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