One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blood-C ending

All I can say is..... Oh my God. I would quickly like to say that this was my seasonal favorite, not that Kamisama dolls, Yuru Yuri, and Ikoku weren't close but this may have won by bias alone. Being me I love dark orientated anime(in terms of mood and content) with copious amounts of violence, blood(the name of the show implies this element in large quantities, they didn't disappoint), gore, I enjoy not knowing all the answers/mystery, with an overwhelming sense of tragedy and distress to the characters, plus psychological troubles. I enjoy horror is what it ALL comes down to, in fact I'd be so bold as to say I have an affinity for it, a connoisseur if you will. Now to defend myself I'm not a teeny bopper that enjoys gore for gores sake but if they pull punches when a person is to be savaged by a beast it ruins it for me, and I don't mind it, the violence adds to it, lets me say "holy sh*t!" haha. Hell who am I kidding, I just enjoy the action and violence I admit to not being civilized! Now this not only had my personnal favorite(horror) but also my secondary and tertiary preferences. slice of life inherent in much of the beginning and comedy here and there. Made for myself a trifecta of brilliance, and everything I love. Plus the x-factor of shows that have a HUGE twist that explains it ALL, with Puella Magi Madoka Magica and School Days coming to mind which earns big points for me.

After the reasons of why I love the show heres how the episode its self won for me. First off we find the whole quiet town thing was a set up from the beginning! Even the part about the sword being said to be the only thing that can kill the elder bairns. In fact in a very hilarious moment at the end of the show in the ending credits, one piece of the blade separates and falls off where Saya then tosses the whole sword away lol. The uniforms that were so goth looking were noted as strange even to the characters in the show. All those people that said this wasn't in the contract? They were referring to not knowing they'd be eaten alive and executed. EVERYTHING was a stage. The Shrovetide? An agreement of old between the people and beasts that allows elder bairns to eat a set amount of people but no more than the quota. However some of the feelings people developed weren't fake in particular the love Itsuki Tomofusa developed for Saya and the sense of kinship Tadayoshi Kisaragi felt with Saya. The rest of the "main cast" did everything for money and own self interest and gain.

Now for the action. It was well choreographed with top notch animation(how ever blurred, can't wait for uncensored!) and fighting. Tadayoshi and Saya was quite simply my favorite of the show! It was so brutal as Tadayoshi over powered her with a sword in one hand and then tossed her about with his other hand. Very fast paced. After Saya uses her focus to two cut Tadayoshi(each cut costing him an arm) and they have a moment they try to leave where my favorite part happens. We see on what a grand scale the charade was. After Saya slashed a daemon bunny in half it regenerates and multiplies itself into hundreds that head into the town devouring anyone not in the lead cast. thousands of people flee and more are eaten alive or tossed into a "bunny bag" and then ground into meat and blood, indeed quite a gruesome scene.... Then I wondered if people get away what'll happen? well first of all the set town or staged town is corralled in by a barbed fence and private security stationed outside. It reminded me of Shiki when the pink haired girl almost gets away. As people make it to the fence a gatling gun opens fire slaughtering the refugees. Fumito and the only other person in the town escape(Yuka) by white SUV as private security uses a p-90 to kill people running away in the streets. Truly cleaning up shop Dead Rising style. In the end Yuka and Fumito gets away. Just as Saya is about to destroy the helicopter they're fleeing away in, Fumito steps out blowing her left eye and skull open. Saya recovers on the shore of the destroyed town for a few days, remembering it all. Then she stands up and uses a piece of her torn skirt like an eye patch or bandanna(the way Kakashi in Naruto uses it to cover his swharingan) and immediately I see the determination of Big Boss in her eyes *cough* I mean eye.... then the music starts up and she pursues Fumito to end the fight. BRILLIANT!!!! Bloody(pun intended) Brilliant! I can't wait for the movie! I know alot of people thought it was good or bad, so very hit and miss, but I thought it was brilliant from beginning to end and I truly enjoyed and looked forward to it as my seasonal favorite.

Even the director thinks it wasn't the best saying he didn't know how to lead or influence the audiences. Well my friend you made me happy. Animation to story a favorite for myself. I'll put all the good pics below as squeezing them in is quite difficult and I don't have it in me. Anyway I officially started the Fall season with Shinryaku! Ika Musume S2. I adored season 1 and S2 looks very promising! I want to blog it but I don't want to find something I like even more and over whelm myself. I'll wait until I've seen them all. But it is very therapeutic to watch after Nichijou so I'll probably blog it :) The scientists make me laugh hard especially in the last ep. of season 1 so for that reason alone I'll probably do it. Time will tell. The Cowboys won off field goals alone LOL! Go Boys! Oh yea and I'm looking forward to the zelda symphony October 21st in L.A. I'll be sure to blog that! Anyway I guess thats it for now.

-Relic P.S. I'm looking for blogging help so I can do more shows but still being underknown we'll see how it goes. Take it easy any and ALL.

I hope you appreciate the pictures I take by hand as I re-watch the show, edit the picture, cropping each by hand painstakingly for the choicest parts, and then uploaded, and then re-uploaded here and then put on the blog. By the way I upload them by hand! Even though my following is small its all for you! enjoy :) the hours long process I go through!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What I've been up to and Fall anime season!

Alright I missed the shows all these weeks and even the ones I started had all ready been well under way. I plan to start the fall season right! Basically my woes are Nichijou which is ending soon because the comedy killed me and I will miss sharing my Saturday nights with those people. Secondly Yuru Yuri's finale was absolutely HYSTERICAL. I won't be surprised to see a season 2 so stay hopeful! Thirdly Miro no Croisee is ended. Loved the slice-of-life aspects and cuteness factor. Hanasaku has an up coming dramatic end I look forward to also, oh Ko and Ohana do what needs to be done *wink* *nudge*. Lets see, you had Blood-C which gave me whip lash from the change in pace from slice o life with a taste of horror and underlying mystery- Gore on par with Berserk, Hell I think Guts would blush at this show. And then you have Ro-kyubu which i watch 5 minutes of, I stopped with R-15 as it is just not my thing since it was made upon fan service and story lacked with not enough comedy. I dont mind fan service but I dont hope and look for it in a show either if its there its just like ok, like mayo chiki's fan service is done right and adds, r-15 is frivolous and takes away and detracts from the show, but to each there own, I still think legend of the Dragoon is one of the best games ever made, go find someone who agrees lol. I watched alot of other shows but wasn't as religious in them but I will say good luck to 765 pro and that silent girl cracks me up in those five minute little shows.

Now I won't recap or even really touch on those shows again. Don't hope for a ending review of all shows but I'm crazy so you never know. Now what have I been up to and wanted to talk about? My anime interests. I am pretty gay for horror/psychological/mystery/dark/tragedy especially when those are all combined. I also really enjoy slice o' life when I relate and comedies when funny, plus a romantic comedy when on par with mayo and ano hana, but first and foremost I'm horror! So why tell you all that? I've been reading manga lately when I have a moment to myself. Drifting classroom, Bunny doubt are what I just devoured recently. I'm also current and follow Claymore, Berserk(boy did that take a long time to catch up on), Naruto, Boku wa Tomodachi(I'll talk about later), and few others but those are my primary. But man those two horror. So much to offer. I'd like to get philosophical and convoluted but I leave those discussions to in person and with friends. I recommend those two though, really are unique and offer many an insight on the human....condition if you will. So those have been the two manga I've spent my recent down time on, I've played and FINALLY(after four year hiatus) beat all missions on Monster Hunter(PS2). Troublesome pair is hard and the shut down servers have ruined my dreams of HR20(I'm HR18) and Eternal annihilator and full Lao-Shung armor. what else notable? Ah! pictures of comiket in Japan from a friends brother who was there on a study abroad thing for Berkley. I'll show one pic(of 60) with a super cute girl cosplaying as Maria in shojou magica puella something whatever lol. what else?


Now my future plans after I mentioned the what's what of my recent endeavors. I will definitely blog this Fall season, Boku Wa Tomodachi, which I by chance read the manga of a few weeks ago and bam now its an anime? What luck eh? also Persona 4 for sure and Mirai Nikki. Now here are what I also want to blog but it might tear me apart since blogging if done with quality which I think I do takes hours per show... those 3 but if I can squeeze more out of me also Guilty Crown, Chihayafuru, Tamayura Hitose, C3- C Cube, Kimi to Boku, UN- GO, Last Exile, Busou Shinki Moon Angel... Now I don't mean ALL of those. Along with the three I'm guaranteed to do I might like another show so much that I have to blog it too. All the ones named I thoroughly look forward too along with favorite 3 particularly Tamayura and Chihayafuru because they look mlike good slice of life and then theres the big budget Guilty Crown. But I will have to choose those I'll enjoy blogging the most though i enjoy WATCHING them all, even ones I didn't name as I usually watch most the season has to offer and this season looks good! So I might do six total depending, I watch MOST shows one ep. And in Winter I got Black Rock shooter and "Another"! oh man I'm excited, I guarantee I'm blogging those. But yeah it was a good Spring and Summer season with Iroha, Ano Hana, Nichijou, Yuri, Blood-C, Baka, Ikoku, the Kami-sama's to name a few! But this season looks to top it and I'm excited. I started watching the best anime I'd never seen because couldn't when I finally got online, finally watched my first full season as of this passing Spring season and now will do my blog with shows starting from the beginning of the season. Yea its funny how much anime I hadn't seen due to not having a computer for 8 years, to think six months ago I still watched dub and didn't like subs, am I crazy!? Well heres to doing it right!

P.S. I hope to do it justice and hang with me any and all as life is life, my pop got west nile virus and meningitis from that a 1% chance so basically he's a statistic! I have things like that, classes to keep up on, family and friends to keep from neglecting, a social life where not everyone loves anime as much as me(actually only a handful of close friends like games, anime, and manga my guilty pleasures) and doing the dance of love, so though I wish I could talk about it all day I can't and never will. BUT anime and games and manga n' all that are a part of what makes me, me, to each their own, and I enjoy them as down time and a hobby, so I hope to give good quality and share my love with ANY and ALL, when I can. Go Dallas!


No BROKEN promises

Alrighty! So just the progression of my hand and each condition it went through. Rule of thumb would have to be dont punch solid brick/cement pillars unless you want pain for months, frustration of having a cast on your RIGHT hand so you can get NOTHING done including wiping your bum! It starts to stink(the cast that is) because you can't wash it, its just a mess. My hand still hurts and it is all ugly now with a lump. I'll get arthritis when I'm older, just ain't worth it I'm telling you. 

So I dedicate this entry to my hand AND my pet golden lab of 11 years this Halloween who I euthanized after MONTHS of consideration on August 21st because I had no more options and he was suffering. I have nothing but fond memories for my Christmas hound!

RIP Cody you most senior of woofs and I'll see you around.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 14th

Well first off, merry September! Back to update any and all with my hand situation. Still casted( it stinks and itches so bad I hate myself, not to mention I'll have to tan it haha) and in pain. The knuckle is still...sunken in and very pained. The hand itself feels better but I'm sure it still has a way to go before bone isn't separated any longer. Knuckle will take longest to heal but once the cast is off I'll be fine to write again. I don't have it in me to marathon everything up to snub. On the 14th and 21st when I think I'll be better I will simply cap shows with all that's gone down. Plus a pic of my hand :) Anywho I am looking VERY forward to Black Rock Shooter and Another(a horror). I think I will episode by episode cover those two and maybe another but three will pretty much be my limit. Depending on what's going down with my life, maybe do a beginning middle and final with after thoughts large CHUNK blogs with a plethora of info instead of ep.-ep. ONLY but we'll see, it's just a possibility. I'd like to also have other topical blogs like shows that have something in common, and occasionally manga. Still all just thoughts with a cast on. Well that's what's been up. Oh yea a halo trilogy guaranteed! Hope new company does it right. Well my hand is getting sore so take it easy any and all! -Relic