One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Thursday, September 22, 2011

No BROKEN promises

Alrighty! So just the progression of my hand and each condition it went through. Rule of thumb would have to be dont punch solid brick/cement pillars unless you want pain for months, frustration of having a cast on your RIGHT hand so you can get NOTHING done including wiping your bum! It starts to stink(the cast that is) because you can't wash it, its just a mess. My hand still hurts and it is all ugly now with a lump. I'll get arthritis when I'm older, just ain't worth it I'm telling you. 

So I dedicate this entry to my hand AND my pet golden lab of 11 years this Halloween who I euthanized after MONTHS of consideration on August 21st because I had no more options and he was suffering. I have nothing but fond memories for my Christmas hound!

RIP Cody you most senior of woofs and I'll see you around.

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