Developments!! I'm so excited about the episode I watched just half a hour ago I couldn't wait to post! I was never complaining about the pacing to begin with but Jesus was this the episode we've ALL been waiting for! I knew the show was just setting the scene, from peace to chaos, just slowly so when it happened the massacre had more emphasis and a larger impact on the viewer. But I didn't care for blood+ and this show from the beginnings been a favorite. Wish I would have blogged from the beginning! Was gonna put this in the section of foreshadowing of all anime I'm watching BUT I can't wait lol ^^
Starting off Saya isn't feeling too well and keeps having headaches. My thinking is this: shes having headaches because through the fighting shes having flashbacks and memories are re-surfacing. The whole show it seemed the father wasn't telling about some kind of secret. It feels the Fumito and Saya's dad are in cahoots, but over what? Well really its ALL speculation now but I can't shake the feeling they know about her past. Plus that coffee shop owner keeps narrating about very profound philosophy, if not a little dark. And it shows those little viles of blood hanging in a dark room. Something is go'n down but what!? Are they feeding Saya human blood or something sinister like that? BUT anyway her past is really nothing but speculation right now too.

The episode had some real good action only what? 5 min.'s into the show. Saya keeps coming into contact with these Japanese speaking beasts or demons or I suppose elder bairnes. They kept mentioning a contract not being fulfilled. What contract huh? And this person Saya is fighting comes because Saya keeps dishonoring this contract. I'm under the impression Saya has become noticed by the show's head honcho demons who sent this humanoid monk looking person to avenge her or
its, fallen comrades and punish Saya. Still Saya doesn't know whats going on. This fight's sound effects had me cringe everytime Saya got the shaft....literally. The sound of Saya's bones breaking hurt me the most, but I guess Saya would disagree with that lol. Then we even see another civillian under attack! Lately people have been falling victim to these monsters. Like most I wondered why she let that one baker die BUT I dont think she knew the train was a demon, because since, she's tried saving all the innocent bystanders. Last time she failed and only because the stupid f*cks stopped running and took a little break on the shore just a hundred yards from the battle and got their asses eaten. This time she saved someone though! I was like yeah finally someone lived. I mainly was happy but immediately I was like"but uhhh didn't this person just get attacked by demons and now know Saya's secret???" hahaha. but still I was excited to see how this new dynamic would effect the story, about as excited as the endless eight finale episode in Haruhi. But the victim just runs off and I was thinking damn I wanted to see how a person knowing would effect the town and all that.

Anyway that happened after Saya awesomely went into sharingan mode and killed the monk creature who turns out to be a Giant Eye Ball thing which can talk with out a mouth, go figure, then again it IS a demon. The kill was cool. The demon had a string on saya's sword following her movement while it let fog out of its sleeve. So Saya put her sword down and ripped its pupil open barehanded.... Yea I know I got a little turned on too. lol but all joking aside( not joking) it was quite epic.

Then at school its story time. I've been wondering about that "nice" science teacher. When she told the story you could tell she knew some of the towns dark secrets too. The story she told was VERY familiar to Saya's situation. While telling the story Saya has flashbacks, at least I think they were. These flashbacks have very similar locales in terms of the original movie.
Anyone remember this scene from the original Blood movie!? |

So what does that mean for Saya? Is Saya the same girl? Or is demon slaying passed down and the new hunter receives previous memories? I feel that less likely. I think Saya is the same saya from the movie. But then is the contract that the demons will only hunt in that small town and eat only to live as a deal with Saya not to kill too many or limit her hunting? Who can be sure? I really love where the story is headed. Oh yea and that boy Tokizane noticed Saya's interest in the teacher's story and acts like he knows something too. I don't know why but I think he might be that dog/cat who keeps showing up BUT don't hold that to me haha! just a hunch. Saya still doesn't know what the contract is but we are reaching a climax. If I could hardly wait for this episode, then next episode has me on pins and needles. With, I think its Nene, the twin eating her words( she said she hopes the teachers horror story happens to her because she's bored) and her about to discover Saya's secret I am almost sick with anticipation. The demon pops out and I can rest easy someone knowing Saya's secret is not a dynamic that will just go away like I thought since Nene is an "important" side character. At least I like her and her other twin especially duel sentence matching. We'll have to wait till next week to see whats going on!

-Relic P.S. I told y'all the show was just waiting for a good time for sh*t to hit the fan. And I'll still have my 'all the anime shows I'm watching, major events' blog later on. Oh yea and I listened to Dustz song Spiral on loop while typing this up lol.
This ending's song is perfect for the end of ep. 5 as it has this 'urgency' must go save everyone before its too late feel to it. Like Saya is about to turn and run down that road to the fight! |
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