One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

ikoku Meiro no Croiseé episode 5

 To start, I finally have the ability to take my own pictures and install them so the pics will be neater BUT this blog's pic set-up doesn't allow it to be done cleanly so I'll just continue the pic at top and bottom with pics in-between, but my own :) 

This episode as usual involves both Yune and Claude learning about eachother's culture and general affection for each other. Yune Still has separation anxiety, not wanting to be away from Claude, which good ol' Oscar explains as the Japanese tendency of working in a group dynamic. Still, Claude feels uncomfortable with Yune constantly chopp'n at the bit for direction and company. In order to get Yune out of his hair he sends Yune to clean the lamps which comes as a delight to the hard worker that she is. While working Yune meets and greets a customer who thinks Yune is too friendly for her own good, and the customer then retreats much to the dismay of Yune.  Claude then gives her a talking to. Basically he explains that in Paris people don't trust people they don't know especially when the put on a smile. Yune is conflicted with this because it contradicts her own ideals, that one should always be kind and put trust in the customer first.

After some consideration, and re-evaluation on her approach to life in Paris she meets that little boy whose been popping up in episodes here and there. She disregards Claude's advice instead warmly welcoming the little boy who in the very next second is hauling a*s away with a stolen candle holder in hand.

Yune instinctively gives chase though with her pampered upbringing, she never had a chance of catching a young thief who steals to survive. Even so she pursues deep into the labyrinths of the shopping center soon losing the thief and her way. Standing lost Yune wants to go home as person after person, even a little girl, snubs Yune as she asks for directions.

Then she meets a juggler who tries to cheer her up and a crowd then gathers. She realises, though surrounded by many, she is really alone and no one will help her. Claude's advice doesn't help Yune who is still adjusting to life in Paris. Then Alan, Claude's neighboring businessman and friend, tries to help Yune get home after hearing she is lost. But Alan approaches with a smile and grabs Yune by the hand when Yune tears away remembering Claude's advice. Alan is surprised and simply stands there thinking he was being helpful.

It isn't until Yune is caught by Claude, who was desperately looking for her too, that she calms down as he embraces her quite romantically may I add ;)

The cute little thing, that Yune is, even blushes a little being hugged by her 'man' lol. Claude and her then walk back hand in hand and Claude explains that he was worried more about Yune than the stolen merchandise, and elaborates on the people one can trust and when its acceptable to both accept their smile and give one back too.

Yune then meets Alan again and is embarassed at her behavior and Alan simply laughs and wonders if he really looks THAT scary. Alan offers his hand as a sign of friendship which Yune takes in her own and shakes to signify the friendship has been mutually accepted.

Yune looks at Claude thinking she never wants to leave his side as Claude tells her to remember the sign in front of his shop to show that it is her home to return to.
Oscar comes home later that night saying he couldn't leave on the trip he was going on worrying about Yune, which Claude says Oscar was simply refused by a mistress. Oscar fixes a lamp that was busted much to the happiness of Yune and Oscar also gives her flowers asking Yune to look after Claude.

Quite a happy end, and again everybody learns a little something but not before the all wise sage Oscar can set them straight. Sadly no Alice....BUT NEXT WEEK THERE WILL BE! And we'll have to see what happens with the little boy...

-Relic P.S. We'll see how this new post style is... I feel I wrote less in exchange for pics which that process in and of its self is quite strenuous.... Yet enjoyable. Maybe next time I'll write a chunk or arc and then squeeze the photos I take after in there that relate with the chunk and then at the end put in extra shots so I don't feel the pain I took to do it was for nought :0 Plus I'll start showing pics for the preview of next week :) and have a little next week preview spot. Also in the future expect MAJOR plot occurences, forshadowing, or just what I thought cool and interesting, over-views of ALL the anime's I'm watching or ones something happened in. I might do this every once in awhile since I want to blog more shows but between football practice, college preparation, job, and basically life, like friends and romance, can't humanly do or at least efficiently like I feel I have been on Ikoku, Kami-sama and Nichijou my three real favorites of different genre. So that way I can give snippets on Usagi, Yuru, Blood, Baka and most other shows that I really enjoy. I wish I could do pics different but...I'm currently only going to be able to do the way I will next episode of what ever. I'm trying my best and will keep this up for a long time I think, since I enjoy it even if no one reads it :) and maybe one day I'll achieve an illustrious blog with some, thank-God RELIABLE help. P.S.S. just watched Shiki, what a show! still emotionally and morally distraught from it. Heres to making progress one anime blog at a time.

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