One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nichijou episode 18

All I can say is yet again a hilarious episode of Nichijou! I didn't imagine in my wildest dreams it would be funnier than the card house in the other episode where Yuko and Mio's hearts' come out of their mouths. I was immediately standing corrected when I saw Yuko doing the most realistic and human thing I've ever seen in the show. Such as thinking someone's talking to you and responding only to look like a schmuck, then she plays it off. Or performing an act of kindness like give up your seat for an old person and, them knowing what your doing, not accept before you can say anything. The way she got up acting like she was getting up for her stop is so humanly funny and I've done the same stuff! The train doors not opening on the side she was thinking opened killed me. Who hasn't done that!? Try pushing a door open and then when it doesn't budge you don't want to look stupid try muscling your way through before you read below the handle "pull". Then like the girl on  the train, there is always that one someone that sees and snickers behind your back. I can vouch for Yuko on the talking to a statue while your not looking thinking its a person, I related to that the most. To make matters worse the girl following, Misato's younger sister, keeps laughing or sweating from trying to hold in her laughter. I LOVED IT! I could relate in so many ways, as Yuko's animation and reactions were too human for their own good. Mai's terrible map for Yuko to Diaku Burger was also giving me a quick laugh. Trick-or-treating a week after Halloween! kids these days lol.

There are tons of funny snippets like Mio knowing how to order coffees perfectly unlike poor Yuko who is mixed up about the ridiculous sounding sizes and styles of coffee that one has to be a regular to be able to order.
I can't order either lol, I'm most like Yuko

Or the coffee isn't coffee coffee, but I will go through the main laughers or jokes, but I recommend you watch the show! The next long joke was men with numbered hats trying to appease the princess. A guard would call out lots and a person would try to entertain the princess but in failing to do so is dropped from a blimp and more than likely fall miles to their death. Some guys wouldn't be able to even finish their routine before being dropped. As the top tier routines and men fal to their demise the others wonder what chance they have if the others failed and they had better routines. They all say what they were going to do, the funniest being one guy is like "I was going to split chopsticks with my butt cheeks" LOL!!!! That had me really laugh hard in real life. Then the bada*s shows up all cool with a duck floatie around his waist who is confident he will succeed. As he walks up with an arrogant aura he is dropped from the floor with a bad fall as he hits his head, flips, it looked painful. Then the next lot is called... no-one goes up and then someone sees a lot with a number for the person supposed to go and looks around as everyone wonders what the next person's routine is or where they are. This person obviously doesn't want to go, keep in mind the bada*s just failed. Then a man steps out and you wonder will he succeed? he has a duck floatie around his waist and we just saw someone doing the saame routine die and this guy is like I know I can't win. lol everyone just thinks you poor bast*rd. Even the guard laughs where both he AND the victim fall. The guy with a cheer leader routine gets the f*ck out of dodge. He throws his cheer leader pom poms over the blimp, in a moment of rebellion. They fall on Mio's blue hair with the pigtails and flap her pig tails out of the way. yuko then wakes up... It was Yuko's dream! she IMMEDIATELY says " I'll go stand in the hallway!" when she might not have even got caught making a ruckus but she's so used to getting in trouble she knows the routine and just fusses up lol! Keep in mind i laughed this whole six minute skit, and then the ending credits.

I think in episode 7 or 8 there was the same kind of skit with the men in green and numbered hats, I'm going to go watch it again!

Episode had everything, helvetica standards, the works. We even see Misato get screen time with Kojiro and move her relationship forward, she even refrains from shooting him with the rockets in the pic at the top but instead vies for the fake tank cannon air soft pebble bullet with some affection. Misato's little sis also knows Misato is in love with Kojiro. This episode drove the main plots and relationships less and went more for funny skits which I don't mind at all! One of my favorite episodes easy, beside the mosquito and Yuko losing her money ones. In the coming episode it will probably delve into poor biscuit 2 who is ignored and the professor even eats his fuel source....biscuits. Go figure. For once it is as it seems. The teacher counting longer for the students really was sweet and i actually smiled and was like aaaawwwww! She was counting to ten to finish the test normally but then saw a cute little girl feverishly trying to complete and cut her a break, counting like "oooooooooooone", so instead of one its like three seconds, very cute! Oh Sakemoto got his scarf back! good for you but like When Kenny dies in South Park we don't know how he got back, or in the case of the scarf when it was returned but I'm the only one who even mildly cared so I'll excuse myself as I go get in a ball in the corner of my house and rock myself to sleep.

-Relic P.S. I will have to re-watch this as so much happens I don't remember all the good comedy for such a good show! Take it easy ;) and WISH your dreams were as funny or memorable as Yuko's, hell I wouldn't wake up again....wait that sounds like something I shouldn't jinx myself on. I'll be back again...hopefully.....after I find some wood to knock on.

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