One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Friday, July 29, 2011

Nichijou-over view

To start...I've missed a week or two, again sorry. I'll just go through the funnier or more important ideas of the show. First off the crow... that crow made me want to play wiffle ball or what ever you call it. LOOK AT THAT SHAPE! Looks like the cups I use at water coolers with a corrugated top! lol. oh I thought that was rich indeed! More importantly poor Sakemoto! not being able to talk without his scarf and all... Then the part when the 'crow' flies off was funny. I find that to be one of the funnier things in this show. When characters say something and then just take off or go the wrong way lol! Like the teacher Manabu who when faced with an emergency turns a blind eye when the incident is during something revolving around his love interest Izumi(the shy teacher and councilor) in one way or another. This time Izumi's younger brother, Makoto the go-soccer player, discovers Manabu is head over heels in love with Izumi. After some black mail and threats of letting all of Japan know Manabu's secret, Manabu concedes to Makoto's demands. But not before Manabu told the red bow wearing girl (I think her names Annaka or something) to draw hair with a black marker on the poor mohawk kid, Tsuyoshi, who fell(literally) victim to the science teacher, Nakamura, who is trying to capture Nano. After which the science teacher impulsively cuts his hair off. I definitly lol'd at the whole scenario. The loud "ehhhhs!?" between Annaka and Manabu. The fact she will agree to using the marker to draw hair. Him running off in the wrong direction AGAIN but this time correcting his direction while running full speed! I hope his love becomes a bigger plot in the coming episodes. Its always very funny.

The other long running gag is Mio drawing yaoi of Kojiro and some other dude. This time a police officer says he's looking for clues to a counterfeiter using money to buy out of vending machines. Mio has a suspicious purse one thing leads to another and the officer thinks she has counterfeit money. The whole scene is funny since Yuko defends Mio who then discounts what ever counter Yuko just had. Mio trying to bribe an officer who thinks shes confessing to the crime, none of it makes sense lol! THEN the officer tries to get the purse which throws Mio's yaoi drawings into the air. officer is reading it and then Mio blows his chest open with a vulcan power punch. He probably died as he fell to his knees. Yuko is then seen reading a page RIGHT when you thought Mio had them all. Yuko is laughing as she spins into the universe trying to make sense of what her eyes are seeing. then she too falls to one of Mio's mighty wrestling leg grapple spins. Then an old gentleman in a top hat smiling simply catches it, not having even seen anything and is then jump kicked in his teeth. Then Kojiro's goat is seen eating a page as he too is spun by the leg like Mio and i'm sure I heard the goat's back snap in half. That kills me aqs it is an innocent goat who can't even read. The scene ends with Mio walking by the guy with an afro, Tanaka, who is like holy crap, what is this a massacre?! and Kojiro then grabs his goat who is walking like a "newborn", a hilarious quick sentence by Kojiro. ohhhh the humanity! If Mio likes Kojiro I wonder what will happen between the gatling gun wielding tsundere Misato Tachibana and Mio who like the same person. Also we almost NEVER see Misato's friends the green haired one with the pony tail for example. It shows her whispering to another girl in the first opener like saying "Misato likes Kojiro" so I kind of like the character but she has little screen time dedicated to her. I bet towards the end a lot of drama and questions will get wrapped up. love with Izumi and Manabu, go-soccer club getting off the ground and if that quiet girl likes the founder, love triangle with Kojiro at the head, Nano losing her key on her back, Sakemoto getting his scarf back unless its like what south park did with Kenny where he is just back alive, and next ep. Sakemoto has his scarf. Would love to see these plot holes closed up by the end. Love it. Hope this little over view is fine with anyone who reads.

-Relic P.S. It's good to be back ;)

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