One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, July 4, 2011

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!!

Happy 4th everyone(anyone).This is Americas Birthday and a good one at that!saw a really good show and just got back!best view I've had yet with my family right over the waters edge...there were a few mishaps here and there but really that's in the spirit of the whole thing I think!I can still hear the boom and BAM!of the fireworks the sparks trailing up out of the horizon,seemingly out of nowhere like magic.looking up at the sky until no longer am I looking up at fireworks but looking at painting exploding on a mural.the luminescent lighting casting grins on everybody,mouths ajar looking at the spectacle in the sky(unless your my family and then you can still hear faint bickering beside the thunder but I love that part if it too)for a second,even the most humble and wise are foolish kids again!then the finally and not a frown or dry eye(no sexual innuendo intended) in the crowd.but though it's only Americas bday let us not forget we all love anime(un-American)!!!!oh what a day!cheers everybody!!!-Relic

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