One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Nichijou! I always look forward to watching this wonderful show! I absolutely adore and love the clean comedy and basically the nonsense that ensues when the ensemble of characters get together. I found the scene when the male teacher, Manabu Takasaki, takes off to help out a passed out chemistry teacher very similar to the part in a previous episode when the boy with a natural Mohawk takes off from a fortune teller person who asks to be payed for mediocre information and the Mohawk boy can't pay! Very funny. To think manabu would completely rid himself of any and all teacher responsibility to snoop on his love interest Izumi and her little brother no less! He is such a jealous type it was hilarious how each thing she said he thought was some sensual reference and he slowly dips into madness as the hijinks continue. Don't you think he was over thinking what disheveled was!A Chinese red dress is what he considers disheveled? I found the long t-shirt no pants on dirty room, just woke up look on Izumi in his fantasy to be alot more appropriate...and sexy lol but I'm homely myself(biased!) I like that the girl Annaka I think, is so quick to go draw pupils on a human beings eye balls!especially after the sound of being surprised like,NO I won't do that, eeeeeh!? Lol it killed me even more when the teacher realized he couldn't allow this and was like Wait!! Hahaha! Then the "what is their relationship!?" from manabu and Annaka quickly replies "that's Uzimi's younger brother" and an immediate sprinters stance in the wrong direction!oh man true comedy! Hopefully their love blossoms as they are quite cute in their relationship thus far(if that is what you would call the one sidedness of it :) )

Anywho, that madness aside...Why must Nanno suffer!?!?I feel so bad for her! Poor little robot/cyborg/care taker/school girl/outcast/whipping boy! I want her to have her key(that little do-hickie on her spinal cord) off her do bad. Why doesn't she just ask someone and the suffering would be over all ready...but alas!that doesn't make for good t.v. But I assume this trouble of hers will be resolved by the end...I hope poor Nanno and damn that cute sadist professor! Haha.well a good episode and as always I can't wait for next week!!! Not to mention, I really enjoy the openings. They fit do well with what's happening in the intro animation. I like the first one better still...kinda but the second intro song I love the yodeling thing the guy does towards the end of the opening! Though the intro for the first one had better lip matching with the girl and guy singers to the corresponding character. Wish iTunes had it hahaha! Well till next week!

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