One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, July 4, 2011

Ikoku Meiro no Croisée-#1

Ok!for my first anime blog coverage I will review as the episodes come out subbed,ikoku meiro no croisée. This show is basically,from what I've seen so far that is,a slice of life and maybe romance anime.Then again like the School Days anime at the end it could flip on a dime :) but somehow I doubt this.I believe there is a manga out but I haven't bothered reading it and don't really read manga.Starting off I was sure I would like this since I'm more into slow paced slice of anime.While others might find it boring I'm thrilled to watch it every week!

So this Japanese girl,Yune,goes to,in the later half of the 19th century,to Paris with a French traveller to work as a poster girl in their iron works shop.she meets(after walking in her horse hoof shoes) the young owner of the shop,Claude,a blond haired French man, with a bit of a temper,not being so glad to have the assistance of Yune.Oscar the traveller who brought Yune along with other Japanese goods looks after her for the most part.Clearly Yune isn't exactly accustomed to life in France and stands out so much to the point a passer-by misconstrues her with a Japanese doll.Claude shows he might have a heart and says she isn't a doll and sends the man on his way while Oscar realizes Claude isn't the best salesman,turning a customer away who seemed interested without a purchase. Claude wants little to do with Yune as she leans around the shop doing odd jobs.Claude talks to Yune about his shop and it's legacy of being passed down through the years and earning it's keep with good quality work.Claude then goes on to tell Yume about the butterfly he's working on and how it was his fathers last created work.Claude then reasons Yune can't understand is just nodding though she seemed quite interested to me.this foreshadows the heirloom being broken when Yune's long sleeves drag the butterfly off the table, breaking the butterfly and the wonderful looking glass.Claude isn't as angry as I thought he would be,and simply says Yune,like her long sleeves,don't belong in France.Later after fixing the butterfly,Claude and Yune make amends and Yune gives Claude a very ornate looking kimono which he sells and we later learn is an expensive family heirloom in Yune's family.When Claude feels bad and confronts Yune,we learn she can speak French when she stops him from buying it,the kimono,back as it would disgrace the store giving bad publicity.The two make a vow to buy back the kimono one day and not get rid of things they cherish a symbol of their booming friendship maybe?!after which Yune blushes and Oscar hides outside the door nodding to himself like a badass sage.Very good first episode can't wait for more!-Relic

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