One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, July 4, 2011

Testing the waters-Relic

Alrighty!Hey this is Relic,and also my first blog.I am Just starting out so I hope in time things can only get better.Until they are better please bare with me.I am going to try and hit the ground running once I have the basic gyst of this whole thing.I will review anime.I plan on giving my thoughts to the new Summer season anime.I am more into slice of life and comedy so sorry if I don't cover everything you want to read about too.I will also review some old favorites and movies and things of that nature ever so often.My confidant Master will do his best I'm sure in the big screen department. He too will give his own introduction.Over time I might even be able to build a following!that would be very satisfying!I will try and update with coverage after every new release,but between life,school and football practice I may fall behind,bare with me ;)but this just a little introduction on the nuts and bolts of this to blog anime because I truly enjoy chatting about it with others and enjoying it in my free time.So until then I'll be working to try and make this blog more awesome and enjoyable and therefor more's running a little long but I wanted to get it out there!here's to a new project and a fun one at that!-Relic

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