One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kamisama dolls#2

Well Kamisama Dolls...what can you say about that? Well. What I was really thinking after watching the episode is that there is some major character development going on,but this is expected when an anime is just starting off.we are really starting to get a sense of the characters, if only a little. Kuga is not the 'guy' who is indifferent to everything and a "wimp"(quoting Hibino) like I previously had sumized though I'm glad I'm wrong. If kuga is a little bit stand offish in regards to the kakashi and whole seki thing it's because of some terrible run in, in the past. So really we can come to sympathize with the man instead of criticize him for being kind of...well unlikable and cowardly. He's obviously suffered some sort of trauma that we'll come to understand, im sure, in the coming episodes. Hibino is still kind of a b*tch from my perspective, reason being I feel she thinks she knows everybody... I don't think she acknowledges she's not always right. It also has to do with coming off very light hearted and unserious but she has a very...stern I guess, side to her. But the fact she 'play's' innocent and cheerful is almost annoying since through inner monologue and communicating with others she's perceptive and not the ditz she seems to be otherwise, such as keenly recognizing Kuga has suffered in the past and this is why he is who he is now. Still she's got like, what?, D-cups!? Those beasts are huge, I feel bad for her back, since they seem to almost destroy her posture.hahah! All joking aside I'm curious as to when her serious side will come to play as a major role such as changing how Kuga sees himself or the world. More than likely if Kuga becomes a seki again it will have been because of Hibino making him 'grow a pair' through telling him how it is. But she seems to honestly care so she can't be THAT bad.

Next we got Utao. Well aside from her inherent cuteness, shes got a strong will. This attitude may re-enliven Kuga later but it remains to be seen. I feel bad knowing she likes Kuga so much but Kuga told Hibino he doesn't want to be around Utao, probably because it serves as a reminder of his past. Then Kuga is super nice to her face. Very sad :( Still theres room for a turn around on Kugas part, let's hope for the best and expect the best too ;)

as for the Aki fellow...... A major obstacle on the horizon to say the least. Bloody corpses with guts hang'n out, gore just chill'n every which way...bad times. When Kuga bests Aki in combat(I assume this will happen) then Kuga will have to acknowledge and accept his past! Well that's all for my fortune(or rather future....I suppose) telling!
-And on an off note that one guy that refused to be seduced when that girl, who is one of Habini's friends, rubbed her chest bulge on his back I had to laugh! I always like a guy that escapes the archetype of man being pigs that'll do anything for their next sexual appetite to be fulfilled. But especially when they refuse the girl and the dude knows exactly what the girl is doing and is like "no no no more trouble than it's worth" lol. He even shoved her off into the shelf haha!! And she came running after him knowing her women's ace in the hole didn't work! Done a thing like that before, it's good to keep women on their toes! Sadly more often than not....I'm that guy carrying all her books, go'n outa my way, and I don't get diddly squat!but thats the fun of it!Good times.

-Relic(the every man)

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