One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yuri yuri and kamisama doll,look good

Yea,so i had my first look at these two shows since I usually watch the first few episodes of each season to see what'll be good,unless I KNOW it will be terrible.I watched Kamisama dolls and gotta say,for not liking sic-fi too much,I thought this was pretty interesting!that said,WHAT THE F*CK!Why is every guy luckier than me!!!???lol! Only in anime does the guy get to live with his love interest after some unforeseen disaster strikes.I wish an alien would destroy(I mean god) would destroy my home... Still,Kyouhei is a pretty likable character.kind if lacking in presence but I think that suits him. Seems like he can kick ass when necessary. The art is also very nice.I like the chemistry between Kyouhei and his sister.she is trouble and he will look after her.we'll see how the love interest goes with Kyouhei and shiba(what a calm person not flinching from murder OR being cow tipped by an alien(I mean god) yea utao and shiba seem like they'll provide a bit if comic relief which will be nice. I might blog this instead of R-15 depending on how good it is,but I have been anticipating it *cross fingers*.

Next we got yuri yuri.Seems like a solid show,smile funny and cute design but I got to say I'm more into ano Hana esque/5cm per second art but then again I'm incredibly biased since that movie is the best thing to ever happen anime or movie in general wise.still art is nice,the story has me sorta "hooked" waiting to see what will happen with the two new girls who walk into the club.I think little akari's presence is just fine,I'm quite like that myself so I relate :) anyway I like the nose bleed on Kyoko from chinatsu!lol being an anime character will do that to you.Kyoko is my favorite so far but I don't think this show is enough to write about at least not for me.but I will mention it probably here and there.nichijou is my baby though,and that art is perfect for the show like Hirohito.'s is but again I'm biased.but that is a blog for another day,good season so far*thumb up*

-Relic P.S. Gotta have a legendary sword/umbrella

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