One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ikoku Meiro no Croiseé-over view

Alrighty! So this episode(since I'm playing catch up) just gonna do a wrap up of the developments in the show thus far. To begin we receive some insight on the discrepancy between the cultures of J-pan and Paris. Japan was less industrial and more in touch with nature utilizing natural hot springs and such. Now Yune was used to bathing once a day in Japan but in Paris its more like once a week.  Otherwise its seen as a waste of water and is frowned upon by the community(go figure). NOW I'm not sure if in Japan only the aristocratic bathed everyday and then for the po' man it was once a week like in Europe unless wealthy. I wonder because Yune was rich sounding from the way Oscar described it. I imagine there was more bathing in Japan but...I don't know and I won't mis-lead you AND I also won't look up cultural standards through out history so find out for your self :P Anywho all this in regards to the fact Yune went to take a bath in the quiet of the night. Holy crap is she delicate and cute! small enough to fit in a pan! Anyway Claude wakes up in the middle of the night to discover Yune much like in the picture at the top. Water spills and all that and we then see the next day with Oscar(all knowing as he is) enlighten the two on the cultural difference between Paris and Japan.

The whole bath thing sets up the premise of the show. Or is at least the harbinger of story and character development. We meet the young Alice Blanche, yes, of the nefarious Blanche family. Well nefarious from my man Claude's point of view. Alice, obsessed with anything, as the show coins it, orient, sets off to hunt down Yune. Claude wants to take Yune to the bath as a favor but not before they are discovered by Alice. Claude not liking the Blanches runs off with Yune to the bath. Alice continuously encounters them while on their way to which Claude tells Yune not to associate with Alice. Yune feeling bad since Alice has taken interest in her agrees to a tea invitation. Alice then tries to persuade Yune to stay with her with promises of a warm bath everyday, dresses, pampered life style AND her mother's(Yune's that is) kimono back, that Claude sold inadvertently not knowing it was a keep sake. Yune refuses and wants nothing more than to fulfill an agreement that her and Claude made.
The agreement
Particularly the part where Claude wants to get her kimono back. Plus earlier in the episode Yune ate cheese with soy sauce and Claude didn't like it, long story short Yune wants Claude to accept and like her culture so she promises to cook a japanese dish using soy sauce. So wanting to get home and explaing to Alice her life with the Claudels isn't so bad since they show affection for her, Yune rejects Alices invites, though Alice is just as stubborn. Then Claude after leaving with out Yune is seen back at home thinking Yune would be better off with Alice but Oscar(all knowing as he is) says thats up to Yune and HE knows Yune will come back(being as all knowing as he is). Claude is then surprised to see Yune home with Alice, making for a bitter-sweet reunion. The dinner is cooked, enjoyed and Yune will at least 'hang out' with Alice. Very heart warming after Claude wondered if she would even come back. On an end note I don't know if love will bloom or a stronger brother-sister relationship, either'd be fine but I'll take a love development :)

-Relic P.S. hope their business stays above the financial hell fire and that this is good enough to bridge the gap in my reviews!

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