One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ikoku meiro no croisée#2

With the passing of the week... Another Ikoku! I thought this episode one of the most adorable episodes of any anime anywhere. Yune is,like always, an absolute doll! If it's not her trying to adapt to French lifestyle by eating anything or her trying to please Claude, she always manages to do it in a very cute fashion. I feel much the way Claude does regarding how when people watch me I can't focus. Claude is probably just thinking about this little Japanese girl 'chunking' him and then when he's aware of what's going on again he has finished working his scrap metal lol! She is very endearing in her want to acknowledge all aspects of French life style.

This uncomfortable feeling Claude gets from being watched leads to Yune getting shooed away like a pigeon and then claudes ultimate traveling to the marché or something like that. So on his way out the door Claude invites Yune to the what I imagine to be town square kinda thing.they meet many new and strange things here like goats trotting along and different kinds of foods that are 'exotic' from Yune's perspective as Claude tells her what each thing is. We then learn what has come of Yune's best kimono from her mother. That it has been sold to the *thunder* *lightning* *scary music* BLANCHE FAMILY!!!! Now this early in the game I can't say for sure but I imagine this will turn into a major plot arc. This Blanche family is said to be unpleasant(Well Claude would think so because he's a business competitor)(biased) and they own the department store...ominous I know. I suppose it's the equivalence of walmart in the 1800's, slowly shutting down the mom and pop department stores and specialty stores. This is a direct threat to Claude because he owns the scrap metal place and they are probably losing business to them not to mention they now have the kimono, I smell what the rock is cooking....and it smells like trouble and conflict, but for now it is still light hearted and this obstacle only looms on the inevitable horizon of destiny (poetic I know!) this led to Claude finding Oscar doing what I can only imagine was what I would call picking up chicks, albeit this Oscar, Santa looking fellow, is like 50-60 years of age and this chick is like what 20's-30's?! A cougar...kinda is what that Oscar fellow has become in my mind but that aside they later meet at home, Yune, Claude and Oscar. We learn that the girl ditched him! Hahaha and then a cat meows and walks away! I think that meant he just lost the 'PUSSY', pun(if it was one) intended. Well they then learn more about Japanese customs and this formula plays on the rest of the show.Yune doesn't do the proper French thing.Oscar laughs like the cougar or cradle robber that he is. Oscar delegates and tells Claude why Yune is Nutz. Claude says "you don't have to force yourself!" Yune says "I'm not forcing myself, I want too!" Yune glitters her fantastically glimmering eyes. Claude looks at her like a big brother figure, flattered, annoyed , and amused all at once. Then I blush, giggle and say "awwwwh". This goes on till the end. All in all.....I love the show! Good episode,can't wait till next week!
-sorry if I don't just crank out blogs and such.I am go'n it alone doing one a day at the end of the day.I am busy like everyone and a good hour long and a few blog at night is all I think I got in me for now,take into account I have gone through the stress and struggles of everyday life like everyone else in the world,watch an anime to unwind and do a blog which I love but is exhausting! Lately I'm especially out of it since football practice is back in full force with gear on, it's tearing me apart and this is about all I can manage. Thank you In advance,Relic,the nerdy jock ;)

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