One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Sunday, July 10, 2011

And then there was one.....

Well...Life goes on.Due to extenuating circumstances,this blog I am now going it alone!but it's not all bad.Though Master whose blogs were few and far between he was a good influence on me but is now out of the life of the gerund as a blogger.Still we may gain a viewer and reader in him or her!B.G.bear was excited to blog but then life intervened...I will to the best of my ability avenge B.G.bears life as a blogger for the gerund!short as it was if short is what never having done anything can be called!lol but again maybe we gained a viewer in him or her!well I will pick up the flack hopefully and will make it an effort to keep things more updated.
-Godspeed you two brave souls!!!!

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