One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, August 15, 2011


O.k. This, yes even this little heads up is taking awhile, not too mention uncomfortable. O.k. I recently was absolutely furious. I am incredibly friendly but even I have my limit. Every four to five years, like clockwork, last time it was a fist fight, I was mess'n about with friends, angry a little. I was breaking stuff with my fists and then punched a brick pillar cemented in to the ground after even making my lip bleed. Well long story short I put a crack in my knuckle all the way along finger. Also chipped a bone and cracked a bone in half with an inch of room. I had a feeling it was broken because I got sick too but I regard myself as a very strong bada$s so I didn't complain much but here I am. 4-6 maybe 8 weeks of recovery. Basically I'm f*cked. No blogging much for me. BUT I maybe got some help till I'm better. And I'll update time to time lol. I'll throw some picks up of my cast later, wish I could show x-ray! Long story short, master yourself and be with friends who might stop your blood rage! Ha my next post in honor of my injury will be about characters in media like movies and anime that calm the bada$s down like in Hulk and berserk and Kamisama dolls exactly what my buds didn't lol! Ok peace y'all!!!!

-Relic P.S. This took awhile to post.... Good luck to me

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