It was a pretty decent episode of Kamisama this week. If not for the action alone, as there was alot less character development than there was in the previous episode when Kyohei was savaging Aki with his fists and showed Hibino another side of himself, a darker side, which she accepted and which seemed to make her grow only closer to Kyohei. And even in this episode Kyohei shields her body with his while a fight between Kakashi ensues around the two. Much to Utao's distress as she separates the two and even Hibino comes to her sense thinking Kyohei was too close even coming in contact with her mammarys a little lol. Still, how could the poor guy help it, they're always just chill'n there, do'n their own thing, and it truly was not his intention. Brother complex ehh? If it wasn't apparent before.
Koshiro one of the Seki tasked with capturing Aki is seen protecting Mahiru the boy baring such a strong resemblance to Utao. So there is care their, and the old man beating Mahiru, stopped by Koshiro, thinks he was wrong about the twins potential.
Utao's Kurukuri is for the most part getting his(or its) ass handed to him(or it). Mahiru is too good and basically Utao loses a skirmish from an electricity blast where Utao is instructed by Kyohei to hide Kurukuri, where Hibino, Utao, and Kyohei run to the Kakashi's location are found by Mahiru and the scenario is recycled. Kyohei is angry that Utao could get her Kakashi killed when Hibino tells Kyohei that Utao is scared and to stop scolding her.
Koshiro then steps in cleaning up the mess and returning Kurukuri's arm to Kyohei which it had lost in one of the many mini battles. Kyohei asks if he is really related to Mahiru but Koshiro isn't permitted to say.
They all, after recouping, head back to Kyohei's home village to fix up the Kakashi. Before they left Hibino waited for Kyohei to leave the bath where she asks if she could go with them. I thought Hibino shoulda caught Kyohei in the buff so the two would be even but ohhh well :) thats just the "an eye for an eye" motto in me and perhaps the ecchi hijinks that lays dormant in my cold soul lol.
Well we learn on the way to the village Hibino is a terrible off-roader. I wouldn't drive to the mountains with her, lets just say that. Kyohei gets a cold shoulder from an old "friend" and Hibino asks about it but Kyohei is lost in thought at coming back to his home town where so many secrets wait to be revealed.
And then we see Mahiru receiving punishment for his foolish acts in the city, which Koshiro then steps in taking Mahiru away saying he and his partner will catch Aki. Koshiro thinks the old man might have been the one to release Aki, perhaps an excuse to see the potential of the twins. We then see the old man talking with a young woman about the twins and how they might not be the ones to control Amaterasu(reminded me sort of Naruto) ..... *Scary music* Basically a giant ball wrapped up in tape under the ground with one big glowing eye showing. Pretty bada*s looking if you ask me.
Wonder what'll be happening with the village and all that. I honestly have no clue where the series is going but I think Kyohei may become a Seki again, since I think he's the one who helped Kurukuri absorb the blast, not Utao who looked helpless, but thats probably a given :P Ohh yea and apparently Utao doesn't know her right from her left when Kyohei said the knife is in the right hand. reminded me of the Best Student Council anime with the 1st episode and the whole "But I'm left handed!" , but never mind it just cracked me up, kudos if you know what I'm talking about.
Next week I guess we'll learn more about the village and perhaps Kyohei and Utao's back story.
Bonus shots I didn't squeeze in :)
-Relic P.S. Sorry if this post was untimely, meant to have it up yesterday night but da*n technical difficulties. Any way that'll kind of be the lay out for now on. Top pic, pics squeezed into whats relevant here and there, then mostly pics on top of what your about to read aiding in description, and then maybe bonus shots I couldn't work in with an ending pic.
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