One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Thursday, December 8, 2011

B.G.Bear Returns......

Hi. I'm B.G.Bear. I want to be your friend. :) I like trash. So I'm gonna review Trash, i.e. Mashiro Symphony, Manyuu Hikenchou, or Queen's Blade. The 3 shows I just listed are absolute trash. Matter of fact, they are in the upper echelons of trash. They will forever defile the face of anime and make me cringe in disgust. I would rather die a painful death that hasn't been scene since the brutal torture in the movie "Anti-Christ", then put up with this trash. But, as all great bloggers do, I will put my bias aside and look at trash for its good points and try to review to the best of my abilities. I know I just stated a contradiction in this "about me" post but live with it. I write on the whim. Bye. Bye.

Sincerely Your's,


Monday, December 5, 2011

Persona 4 the Animation Episode 9

Not my favorite episode by any means... To be honest I couldn't help but find all the things I DIDN'T like about this episode

First off, I thought the animation quality was sort of crappy compared to all the previous episodes. The face shots were admittedly good still, BUT those pan out shots and far away ones... They were pretty ugly. My major complaint is how distorted the faces got, I mean in one, Kanji's nose looks so sharp it could cut glass... And you'd think this was done by CLAMP, with how lanky they were looking. I just did not really care for the art this episode. It was also too cartoony and once Yosuke looked like he had the face of Sonic. It was terrible. Kanji's design needs more polish than any of them.

One other bone I had to pick with this one is just the dialogue... It's not snappy enough! It is for the most part bland and Naru isn't saying the "right" stuff, of what he could possibly say in the game. Certain parts that were really good in the game were left out, and uneccesary dialogue was crammed in.

Basically how the story differs from the game in this one is probably what bothered me most. What in the hell is up with the whole Rise running away from the paparazzi with Naru(who uncharacteristically snatched her hand, but then again lately he isn't the no non-sense sort of funny, bada$s I came to know and love) like Bonny and Clyde?! UNNECESSARY. Rise's also more of a b*tch in this adaptation from the game, and Naru is really WAY too opinionated and silly for my taste. The only thing he did that I liked and found to be what Yu would do is make origami cranes. But I digress, the show was trouble from the OP onward in my opinion. And the way the stalker Rise fan had teeth that would make EVEN Jimmy Neutron blush... I just didn't like it. The team up montage with the three whose faces come together like a comic strip and they slam the stalker. It just felt like a crammed in head nod to the game that was frivolous and at the best shameless.

Now in the shows defense I've gotten critical being a fan of the game now. The art is still good, and the distortion was passable I'm clearly just nit-picking. Every show has stereotype like the nerdy stalker with teeth of a Beaver. The show also can't be EXACTLY like the game and must slash a path of it's own, and has to shove in as much as possible while being loyal by choosing what to put in from game and what to leave out, which is why, like games, books are better than movies and games(when movie was out first) that come from them. I tend to dislike adaptations, TEND too. Still I really enjoyed watching this, lol! Just, owning the game ruins it a bit for me. Even so I hate how Yu's been acting lately, I want reform!

-Relic P.S. here is the picture with Sonic face and I don't even KNOW the f*ck who...

Boku Wa Tomodachi Episode 9

Well like Persona, it was a bit of a disappointment this week for me in Boku Wa as well, though admittedly for different reasons.

The art, the music, I got nothing to say about them except for them being as beautiful as always, arguably one of the best animated shows out there I'd say. Furthermore the music queues well and sounds moving, and fits what occurs in the show. The voice acting is like always top-notch. My complaint is the story's direction.

They hardly addressed Yozora in this episode and how she's feeling. I wanted Kodaka to maybe feel bad about neglecting Yozora but no, everyone acts as if nothing happened. *sigh* In fact the episode was all about Kodaka and Sena AGAIN! I don't want Sena with that much screen time! Where's my Yozora?! When SH*T is on the line, like Kodaka's love, she doesn't lift a finger BUT instead opts out in favor of allowing nature to run it's course... WHAT THE F*CK??? I want misguided emotion to dictate Yozora's actions in the form of a back-stabbing plan in an attempt to aggressively win over Kodaka. Is it too much to ask for, to see a cat fight? Sheesh.

Now, it won't be a problem as long as Yozora sooner than later steps up to the plate and throws Sena out of the picture. Hell, Sena can have Kobato since she's so obsessed with some kind of younger sister complex, or what ever I don't care anymore. Poor Rika too, practically selling her body but Kodaka smoothly blowing her off hahaha. Anywho, the show definitely is building it up. I felt so bad when Yozora knew that Sena and Kodaka would be together and then she was alone in the club with only the perverted Rika(reading mecha-porn probably) and an ever silent Yuki. But while Kodaka DID see Sena's voluptuous nude body(I have never found myself in such a lucky situation except MAYBE sorta kinda once, but it wasn't THAT awesome) I think Yozora is still in the running with her chances not too far gone from the bonding Sena and Kodaka did. But again I feel the emotion we have for Yozora, the show will soon capitalize on it, with Yozora having the kind of moment Chihaya and Taishi just had in Chihayafuru!(wait that's bad because then Kodaka will do what Chihaya did and find that she loves the other person more!)

-Relic P.S. Yozora has stretched and looked at the long road ahead of her, with the Sun shining bright, she's ready to be the pinnacle of this love "triangle".

Boku Wa Tomodachi Episode 8

Well I like where the show is heading. They'll be REALLY touching upon the Kodaka Yozora debacle very soon I feel. Unless they pull a "you expect HUGE character developments but were going to give some crazy scenario or explanation and nothing will have progressed until the last episode". I hope not but I feel that will be the case, because Yozora left early, and instead of it being because she felt neglected by Kodaka it will be because her and Rika were sick. Eh, if they do it well either case will be fine.

Boy do I know how Yozora and Rika felt... Black Friday shopping anyone? Holy Christ it was a cluster F*CK the likes of which I'd only heard about in legend up till now. One cheap DVD took about fifteen minutes in a line to buy, aye yai yai. That's what the pool reminded me of, everyone looks like their having fun but me, and like Sena with my self pretentious attitude on life think "you ignorant sheep, why come when I decide to shop once every 3 months!?" but alas they probably think the same thing. So many PEOPLE!

As for the Yuki and Kodaka thing.... Man if I met a dude that looked like that I'd probably just say holy crap you look like a chick, just so I wouldn't feel awkward, haha he even blushed and I can't really Blame him lol.

Saddest thing was when Yozora left alone. Why weren't her and Rika at least sitting together? Do they not understand that just because they're fellow club members doesn't mean they can't... I dunno... BE FRIENDS ALSO!? Aren't you usually friends with those you bond and share interests with? It makes no sense! Also on another note, I don't know how old Kobato is, but if she's like 13 or 14 stripping in front of her bro... And MAKING him watch, that's sorta.. I mean that's just f*CKING kinda weird I think, I mean come on, I'd been like "put some freaking clothes on!" but I dunno, it feels like a forced anime fetish thing. Anyway I hope that HUGE character developements will come soon, I'll just have to wait, but at least only a week and not a few months like the manga!

-Relic P.S. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Persona 4 the Animation Episode 8

Right now I've logged probably ABOUT 16 hours on the game(I'm obsessed, it is so good!)and I've just now got to the Kanji case. I think I'm close to catching up with the anime, with the whole camping episode. The anime is so LOYAL to the game it's amazing. The show is basically the games cut-scenes. Anyway I loved this weeks episode.

It was slapstick humor and some character development which for the most part involved Naru and Hana trying to "get at the girls". Who can blame them? I'd probably be doing the same thing :P man those chicks were loving the attention when they were wearing bathing suits even though they were acting like they didn't like it, pshh. The mistake was when Hana told them their bodies weren't mature. That is one thing you NEVER! Tell a girl after she's 13 years old, as secretly that's all they care about, and I guess dudes are the same. No one wants to be the last of ANYTHING. No one wants to be the last one with a beard, pubic hair, breasts, muscles, child bearing hips, adult features, in a race, to lose virginity, to have a kid, to marry... List goes on, in the fact the only things you don't want to be first in is contracting diseases, death(unless your a parent and you don't want your kids first) and the first in line during a war.

I enjoyed when they touched upon Kanji's sexual orientation again. At most he's probably bi-sexual but in my opinion he's not homo-sexual at all, BUT that's just my thinking who knows? But if being all wrapped up in that burly woman's love and blushing wasn't enough, the loss at winning her love is definitely gonna convince you ;)

As for Konishi's brother... That's sad. You'd think if someone was suffering you'd make it an absolute POINT to cheer them up, NOT smother them in condolences however, anymore than a "I'm sorry" but even better just talk to them and be there for them when they need it. When they need to talk they will. Naru gets big kudos for looking out for Saki's bro.

-Relic P.S. You know those boys were happy under the sheets AND YOU KNOW... The ladies loved it, look at those faces.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Internet was down

Internet was down interrupting my flow. Just got it back up. Uhm, pretty much I got screen caps and my drafts now I'll sit on them until like this Sun. And just do double duty. Anyways that's it!

-Relic, take it easy any AND all!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Boku Wa Tomodachi Episode 7

This was the very first episode that wasn't dictated by what was in the manga. Now that I know the manga won't be cranking out releases I'm curious if the next chapter will be about the cell phones... Still the manga could have chapters stacked, still I'm curious if they'll branch out now.

This was all about the gang and hanging out at the club during Summer vacation. How can Kabato stay in that maid outfit!? I barely survive in the shorts and t-shirt I wear during summer, which kills me since I don't get cold and Summer is especially abusive. Even more interesting is how the group is allowed to meet up at the school during the Summer. Our cultures must be so far and away. I know just to attend a football training camp and to use our field was expensive and full of painstaking red tape. A friend that went there(Japan) told me he didn't leave the school with his live in sister and brother until hours after school ended as they stayed doing club activities and such. I always regret not having that experience as school there must be so entertaining! School is a huge part of their day more so than here in the states where the clubs are half-a$sed and don't do much phenomenal work. As for poor Maria.... Its like Kodaka said, Yuki is taking the club TOO seriously and yea I know its a cool club(better than Americas) but suicide for meal making and arriving late? Still it made for one good screen cap(or squee cap), that is Maria getting force fed a protein shake which looked liked something ELSE all over her face.... Yea...

I also found it hilarious how none of the characters had anyone in their contact list for their dusty cell phones they never used haha! I related a lot not having a Facebook or a twitter or a cell phone myself I don't even HAVE one HAHAHA! But in all fairness I do have an iPod touch I use for Internet, texting and most other things(still my contact list is filled with close friends and not acquaintances). I like how Yozora and Kodaka had no idea how far technology's come. I felt the same way about my iPod nano when I found out it could pause radio stations! That infrared thing is also very intriguing to me and I'll have to find out more about it. They mentioned it in Persona 4 when Naru uses it to get Amagi's number(that sly dog!) I wonder why we don't have the same thing. They also don't text but send e-mails, so interesting the discrepancy in culture.

Man I felt bad since, expecting Kodaka
to be with her as she left but stayed
behind, her plan back fired!

Also, in the episode not only does Sena feel out of the loop not having a cell phone but Yozora is taking advantage of this and teasing Sena, Yozora feeling like she's getting the upperhand in her relationship with Kodaka triumphing over Sena. Yozoras even showing more interest in Kodaka openly(showing displeasure at Sena rubbing on Kodaka at the beginning and being all thrilled, twitterpated, and flirty over cell phone address exchange). Sena is taking revenge too by confiding in Kodaka which Yozora has yet to do. If the hand touching at the end wasn't indicative enough of what's to come I don't know what is. Yozora is getting fed up with it I feel, and soon I think Yozora will finally make more attempts at vying for Kodaka's attention, with Sena doing the same theres bound to be more friction and sparks(friendly competition?)!

-Relic P.S. I HATE the heat BUT how would you like to step outside to THAT scenery?! My GOD, what a sight...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Persona 4 The Animation Episode 7

This weeks theme REALLY delves into something I don't come across often in anime(or any other media for that matter). And that would be one's sexual orientation. Lets face it, in both reality and media, homo-sexuality has a certain social stigma attached to it. I myself don't have any problem with who someone likes as I barely have enough time to care about my own life let alone somebody else's and don't feel it is my right to criticize someone when I have my own share of faults. It's a topic that rarely comes up, and when it does always generates a bit of "talk". The only video games and shows that give this topic justice and an honorable portrayal(or even come to mind) is Indigo Prophecy, True Blood, Tokyo Godfathers, and Milk with Sean Penn. It doesn't comd up often enough, so when it does I really find it interesting. That THAT show or game is willing to touch which most everyone else won't. It adds another fold to an already dynamic narrative! So with that said I found this episode of Persona impressive for taking steps in the right direction but never really capitalizing on it...

While never DIRECTLY stated that Kanji is homo-sexual there are implications but ultimately it's up to the viewer. Personally I think that Kanji is really just confused by how he should feel with affection. His Persona grossly twists his emotions to extremes like indicating how Kanji feels towards the opposite sex. Kanji has just had bad experiences with women though hopefully he doesn't give up on them. It was nice to see the subject touched upon though if only the surface.


Amagi was pretty cool, getting to see her in action with the whole Persona summoning thing I loved it! That scene with Sato and Amagi in slime and the two boys just look'n at them with their minds full of dirtiness haha, they didn't even offer to help but instead wanted to film it for when the imagination isn't enough.

Now there were two cop outs I felt in the episode. One was when on the velvet room Morgan or something like that and The sharp nosed master offer they're help when Naru is ready and needs it. My thinking was this help would come WAAAAY later! Little did I know it would happen just 17 min's later THAT episode haha! Not that I'm complaining THAT much. I mean those snake hydra like beasts that took out Kanji Persona in it's uncontrolled form was cool but I wouldn't have minded more of a build up in music and animation and of how the beast is formed. Imagine if everyone had the "wild card" ability, they'd be pretty stacked on talent. My second complaint is the characters' interaction with Kanji. They mostly just provided us with the stereotypes of how people interact with the idea of homo-sexuality that are already out there. The awkwardness Naru and Hana showed towards seeing another guy that it is implied likes guys and them being immature about it, not wanting anything to do with seeing Kanji like that leaving it to the ladies, just proving how Kanji already felt about people being judgmental. The girls really were no different being happy he'd have no interest in them and Sato being annoyed by how Kanji's Persona acted and everyone bringing out their Personas instead to shut up alternate Kanji. Now I'll admit it was hilarious AND that Kanji was acting annoying as that was kind of over-done in regards to how over dramatic Kanji was acting. Still I wouldn't mind sacrificing the comedy and characters' reactions in favor of truly delving into the issues someone confused with their sexual orientation would experience. Still, a step in the right direction. And at the least we now have Kanji on board with the team to stop the perpetrator from throwing people in the television.

-Relic P.S. How would you like that big feller looming over your bed while you sleep?