One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, November 21, 2011

Boku Wa Tomodachi Episode 7

This was the very first episode that wasn't dictated by what was in the manga. Now that I know the manga won't be cranking out releases I'm curious if the next chapter will be about the cell phones... Still the manga could have chapters stacked, still I'm curious if they'll branch out now.

This was all about the gang and hanging out at the club during Summer vacation. How can Kabato stay in that maid outfit!? I barely survive in the shorts and t-shirt I wear during summer, which kills me since I don't get cold and Summer is especially abusive. Even more interesting is how the group is allowed to meet up at the school during the Summer. Our cultures must be so far and away. I know just to attend a football training camp and to use our field was expensive and full of painstaking red tape. A friend that went there(Japan) told me he didn't leave the school with his live in sister and brother until hours after school ended as they stayed doing club activities and such. I always regret not having that experience as school there must be so entertaining! School is a huge part of their day more so than here in the states where the clubs are half-a$sed and don't do much phenomenal work. As for poor Maria.... Its like Kodaka said, Yuki is taking the club TOO seriously and yea I know its a cool club(better than Americas) but suicide for meal making and arriving late? Still it made for one good screen cap(or squee cap), that is Maria getting force fed a protein shake which looked liked something ELSE all over her face.... Yea...

I also found it hilarious how none of the characters had anyone in their contact list for their dusty cell phones they never used haha! I related a lot not having a Facebook or a twitter or a cell phone myself I don't even HAVE one HAHAHA! But in all fairness I do have an iPod touch I use for Internet, texting and most other things(still my contact list is filled with close friends and not acquaintances). I like how Yozora and Kodaka had no idea how far technology's come. I felt the same way about my iPod nano when I found out it could pause radio stations! That infrared thing is also very intriguing to me and I'll have to find out more about it. They mentioned it in Persona 4 when Naru uses it to get Amagi's number(that sly dog!) I wonder why we don't have the same thing. They also don't text but send e-mails, so interesting the discrepancy in culture.

Man I felt bad since, expecting Kodaka
to be with her as she left but stayed
behind, her plan back fired!

Also, in the episode not only does Sena feel out of the loop not having a cell phone but Yozora is taking advantage of this and teasing Sena, Yozora feeling like she's getting the upperhand in her relationship with Kodaka triumphing over Sena. Yozoras even showing more interest in Kodaka openly(showing displeasure at Sena rubbing on Kodaka at the beginning and being all thrilled, twitterpated, and flirty over cell phone address exchange). Sena is taking revenge too by confiding in Kodaka which Yozora has yet to do. If the hand touching at the end wasn't indicative enough of what's to come I don't know what is. Yozora is getting fed up with it I feel, and soon I think Yozora will finally make more attempts at vying for Kodaka's attention, with Sena doing the same theres bound to be more friction and sparks(friendly competition?)!

-Relic P.S. I HATE the heat BUT how would you like to step outside to THAT scenery?! My GOD, what a sight...

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