One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Boku Wa Tomodachi Episode 6

Things are getting VERY interesting especially for me who is also following the manga. Now if I remember correctly it went like one manga chapter a month but suddenly I feel I read 2 in like a months time. I bring this up because I winder if the manga will start cranking them out one a week or not? I highly doubt this, and feel as though the manga will have no longer be the decider in story direction since this episode OFFICIALLY caught up to the latest maga release. But I wonder, is the mange quite a few chapters ahead and decides to release basically one a month? Because if the anime was following it how could it have done the karaoke episode almost exactly like the manga(the anime focused alot more in how Sena and Yozora are in love with Kodaka and are especially cruel to eachother more so than in the manga)when it just came out? There's no way they just quickly made an anime episode version of the chapter? Is the anime finished before release or are people in a studio working their a$s off to make an episode a week or two before it comes out? I find that hard to imagine. So there might be one or two more chapters the anime is aware of and then it will go on it's own path, but stick with the same premise and plans the manga has or at least I imagine this to be the case. Its exciting because I get to see what happens next and not half to wait a month. Anywho, it was quite the episode. It was strange though, because I'd just read it, I felt like I'd already watched it, very uncomfortable de javué. I even imagine the voice actors when I read it now that I know how they sound. But they speak english and when I think about Japanese I understand it in English, I wonder what it's like to be bi-lingual but before I get too off topic I'd like to say the brain is amazing!

Rika was notably trying to get some alone time with Kodaka which Yozora also liking Kidaka tactically avoided their possible alone time with a group trip. I don't get why Yozora us going about this the way she is... She doesn't have the courage to be with Kodaka Alone or tell him how she feels but Rika is making an attempt(even Yuki seems like he is.... Probably just adoration) to be with Kodaka and win him even making clear how she likes him but is so open with her feelings it is less of a built up awkward confession where rejection can result but simply stating a fact that Kodaka can only be flattered by, allowing the relationship room to blosom. Even so I think Yozora doesn't want to make her self vulnerable and take the risk BUT at the same time still kind of have Kodaka to herself. You can't gave it all, it's not fair to anyone.

Now don't get me wrong since they are childhood friends(Kodaka is a foo!) I want their coupling, you know, the whole destined love thing... Yea, I guess I'm an ideal romantic oh well haha. But I hate when people don't convey their feelings, or at least in such a dysfunctional fashion. But now that Sena is flaunting the two of their future alone time(Sena and Kodaka's personnal hangout under the pretense Kodaka is visiting Sena's dad, which is probably all there is to it for Kodaka, him being the tender foot he is) I'm thinking a jealous Yozora will rise to the occasion feeling that Kodaka is slipping away or it could take a tsundere like route which I will despise... Either way good stuff.

LOL! those words were said by Rika in another room, she
was talking about a microphone!

Oh yea and who goes to a karaoke bar place to sing alone just so they feel that they're beating the man?! In comparison to the manga it was VERY depressing to see them alone and it wasn't comical like it had been... I hate seeing people sad especially when it's due to lonliness because it's the easiest problem to fix. Get up and engage someone(your not as misunderstood as you think, trust me, everyone brings their own pile of sh*t to the table ;)) And one more thing..... Why after talking with someone or feeling embarrassed to people in anime run away in either the opposite direction OR even the SAME direction!?!??? Is it just me? Am I the only one not running from girls after I am done talking with them slightly blushing and skipping away or running away from my buds. I'd say "why are you running away?" Even funnier when they run ahead, why not stay and walk with the person and talk? I run in 3 circumstances. I'm playing sports, I'm being hunted by something(hasn't happened...yet) or three the walking dead is coming on. People in anime run too much. And Sena was no exception, panting like a buffalo after running for like.7 seconds! I am a huge burly animal and even when I was hauling a$s after a runningback who got past my line I'd huff, puff, and regulate my breathing again. Oh well it's not that big a deal, I'm just a sick-o! But my favorite part of the karaoke place is when Yozora and Sena inadvertently sing a very cute duet together which had lyrics, that when accompanied by a montage of moments each shared with Kodaka, implied they both had fallen in love with him. Very touching scene.

-Relic P.S. need I say more than AWWWWWW!

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