One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Persona 4 the Animation Episode 5

*disclaimer*-Yes screen caps use piss yellow subs- I loved it!(yes I know I LOVE alot of things haha, but this was an especially good episode for me.

While some might say it was filler not having TOO much to do with finding the person responsible for putting people inside the television/otherworld place. BUT I thought it was a nice break up from the previously formulaic pattern they were using(not that I minded it). The character bonding and development was invaluable to the story and I really appreciated it, smiling and chuckling a few times. It also sort of showed what th group will probably be doing meeting new people that are at risk and either preventing it OR saving their a$s. Now one thing that was a SUPER MILD complaint from me was that Amagi didn't get much in the way of screen time. I want more Amagi da*mit! Lol, still Naru thoroughly entertained me as I watch him develop into a less souless person and some one with personality. Naru reminds me alot of myself when surrounded by people I either don't know or I feel I can be the bada$s at that moment. Very few know I'm as silly as I am :P

This episode was ALL about Naru and a VERY snobby looking girl(Ai) who in reality is just a bit frivolous and full of spite and vengeance for all the wrong that was done to her, everyone has a reason for why they do what they do or how they act(unless they just want to see the world burn like the joker does, and even HE had a reason). Well Naru I must say is a big guy at least it looks that way BUT this could just be character design, which is somewhat lanky. Either way he looks like 5 foot 10 or so but then again in Chihayafuru those two dudes especially Arata look tall but they're only like 5"8, I'm about 6 and a 1/2 feet tall so that means if I was in the show I'd tower over them. But I like Naru so I'll say he's like a 6 foot bada$s.

HAHA!Everyone misinterpreting the other!

Anyway Sato wants him to help with basketball due to being tough and having a good athletic build. And thus the nightmare start for my main man Narukami haha. That nightmare in the form of a stuck up school beauty that the boys see as aneasy and loose booty call. She lost all that weight and changed her personality to be one everyone would be jealous of and admire and find someone to love her, instead finding a bunch of jerks that talk trash behind her back. Even though she was mean to Naru, he was the chivalrous knight and ran after her to look after her. I must say he makes Keith stone(known for being smooth) look like sand paper. So in treating Ai just like human should, with care and respect she wants to be courted by him. Now before this courting Naru joins the basket ball club at Ichi's beseeching. So now on the team he meets Ai and one morning she invites him on an outing for "club supplies" really just Ai's own personal shopping which Naru figured recognizing Ai as the sycophant she is. Some trust is gained yada yada, then back at the gym the boys are being boys just trashing and gossiping Ai's goodname(is it good even lol?). But Ichi tells them to stop, Ai heard all of this and thinking shes depressed or angry Naru chases after her where we learn shes actually getting the hots for Ichi who stuck up for her. This leads to Naru trying to see if Ichi likes Ai on Ai's request, long story short Ai learns that Ichi likes Sato, then some claims of suicide and comforting later Naru is now "dating" Ai until she feels better and Naru as a result is in hell because Ichi also wants to be set up with Sato and Sato is worried about Naru and Ai interprets that as a jealous crush, Ai will be jealous of Sato because Ichi likes Sato, Hana thinks Sato likes Naru and is jealous of Ai, BUT none of that is true and then Naru doesn't understand why Hana is saying things like ladies men and game of love. At one moment all the characters involved are on screen and you KNOW everyone is misinterpreting the other and we have a big cluster f*ck of misconceptions and assumption that leads to an even BIGGER fiasco, I LOVED IT! At the center is our poor bast*rd Narukami. I have been that guy SO MANY TIMES all I could do was smile.

Oh man with that mess above leading to a cat fight(which no one stops, in fact Hana stopped in the middle of the practice just to say "ah, youth!", thinking they're competing for Naru's affection) and a resolution I was happy all the way until the end. Naru is so cool. He just gets led around accepts fate and when put at the precipice of what he'll allow fights off Ai's advances. Ai isn't so bad. She just needs to love her self for who she is instead of trying to become who she thinks others want her to be. Narukami looked out for everyone until the end. Sato definitely has an affinity for Naru(I wonder if they'll hook up?) and is oblivious to Ichi's feelings. Ichi is being a little b*tch and is making ridiculous obstacles in order to confess his love for Sato. Hana is the sage of love and in trying to do good makes a giant debacle oh I do enjoy the ironic cause of harm by trying to protect. As for Amagi....

Shes going to be back! She was on the roof after the shows ED was over. With everyone back together were all going to be right in the thick of it, trying to solve the cases and figure out who is the culprit. Some of my favorite comedy moments were Naru's ringtone for Ai, it was the cliche violin one that implies bad omens and trouble, lol! He even stayed strong for all the men out there and hung up on his lady only to call her back in fear of being chewed out later. Oh the power of women. Then when Ai is saying her heart was racing and Naru thinks it might be because of him she admits to liking Ichi and immediately the music cuts haha. And Naru is becoming more and more human, he even smiled in this episode after making a paper crane. Nice to see the enigmatic Narukami's hobbies and innocence every once in awhile.

-Relic P.S. At the end of a day or a blog entry I do what Narukami does. Look at the good I've done, remember how agonizing it was, sigh, and get ready for the next gauntlet.

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