One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Persona 4 The Animation Episode 7

This weeks theme REALLY delves into something I don't come across often in anime(or any other media for that matter). And that would be one's sexual orientation. Lets face it, in both reality and media, homo-sexuality has a certain social stigma attached to it. I myself don't have any problem with who someone likes as I barely have enough time to care about my own life let alone somebody else's and don't feel it is my right to criticize someone when I have my own share of faults. It's a topic that rarely comes up, and when it does always generates a bit of "talk". The only video games and shows that give this topic justice and an honorable portrayal(or even come to mind) is Indigo Prophecy, True Blood, Tokyo Godfathers, and Milk with Sean Penn. It doesn't comd up often enough, so when it does I really find it interesting. That THAT show or game is willing to touch which most everyone else won't. It adds another fold to an already dynamic narrative! So with that said I found this episode of Persona impressive for taking steps in the right direction but never really capitalizing on it...

While never DIRECTLY stated that Kanji is homo-sexual there are implications but ultimately it's up to the viewer. Personally I think that Kanji is really just confused by how he should feel with affection. His Persona grossly twists his emotions to extremes like indicating how Kanji feels towards the opposite sex. Kanji has just had bad experiences with women though hopefully he doesn't give up on them. It was nice to see the subject touched upon though if only the surface.


Amagi was pretty cool, getting to see her in action with the whole Persona summoning thing I loved it! That scene with Sato and Amagi in slime and the two boys just look'n at them with their minds full of dirtiness haha, they didn't even offer to help but instead wanted to film it for when the imagination isn't enough.

Now there were two cop outs I felt in the episode. One was when on the velvet room Morgan or something like that and The sharp nosed master offer they're help when Naru is ready and needs it. My thinking was this help would come WAAAAY later! Little did I know it would happen just 17 min's later THAT episode haha! Not that I'm complaining THAT much. I mean those snake hydra like beasts that took out Kanji Persona in it's uncontrolled form was cool but I wouldn't have minded more of a build up in music and animation and of how the beast is formed. Imagine if everyone had the "wild card" ability, they'd be pretty stacked on talent. My second complaint is the characters' interaction with Kanji. They mostly just provided us with the stereotypes of how people interact with the idea of homo-sexuality that are already out there. The awkwardness Naru and Hana showed towards seeing another guy that it is implied likes guys and them being immature about it, not wanting anything to do with seeing Kanji like that leaving it to the ladies, just proving how Kanji already felt about people being judgmental. The girls really were no different being happy he'd have no interest in them and Sato being annoyed by how Kanji's Persona acted and everyone bringing out their Personas instead to shut up alternate Kanji. Now I'll admit it was hilarious AND that Kanji was acting annoying as that was kind of over-done in regards to how over dramatic Kanji was acting. Still I wouldn't mind sacrificing the comedy and characters' reactions in favor of truly delving into the issues someone confused with their sexual orientation would experience. Still, a step in the right direction. And at the least we now have Kanji on board with the team to stop the perpetrator from throwing people in the television.

-Relic P.S. How would you like that big feller looming over your bed while you sleep?

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