One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lesson from anime #1

O.K. this lesson comes from Hell Girl which is one of my favorite anime ever, in my tp ten easy, top five though I'd have to think about it. Anyway the art is SPECTACULAR the story hooks me like a fisherman hooking a gold fish the idea is so original it hurts AND theres so much of it to watch! Now that Anime Network fixed their App after like 8 months I can watch season 2 and 3(last anime I marathoned was Soul Eater and I'm telling you that ending isn't that bad, I liked it) now, I'm so excited! With that back story to the post, it helped me to learn THIS. If you have a girlfriend(first off good luck because if its like anything I've experienced first hand or heard about, your in for a rough ride)that will only have sex with you if your in Hawaii......... You need a new girl friend. THAT sir is RIDICULOUS! HAWAII!?!?!?! Oh man once you know its going to cost you a few grand for a bit of nookie might as well put a down payment on some gold bricks and give her a shovel, because you sir have just caught yourself a gold digger. And what guy needs sex so bad he is immediately willing to get a job just for a trip there. Oh my God that poor stupid son of a b*tch! If it ain't mutual make it platonic is my motto. And the girl WAS two timing him. Now though this doesn't happen often, if it does, run the other way and don't look back, because you might end up dead. His soul mate(while definitely pulling a Yuno from Mirai Nikki with how crazy she was) was right there waiting to love him too! Its not ALL about looks right!? Then again his soul mate is who killed him, though accidental. Eh, you can't win in this world, do what feels right, your odds are just as good as they are bad!
source: -Hell Girl season 2 episode 3-

food for thought: Girls wonder why its ok for guys to two time but not girls. Imagine a key that can open up every lock. Thats a pretty good f*ckin key right? NOW, imagine a LOCK that every key can open.... Thats a pretty sh*tty lock ;)

-Relic P.S. I was joking, never two time or buy women tickets to Hawaii for sex that is the moral!Unless you can afford it.

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