One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Boku Wa Tomodachi episode 4 AND 5

Well starting with episode 4. The let's introduce all the other characters episode. They did it surprisingly well. All 3 characters were giving a good and proper introduction. Yuki is our trap. Maria is our cute little plot driver who'll have a nice conflict with Kobato. Rika is our new fold to the multi-dimensional love polygon we have forming.

Yuki is friendless because all the other guys see him as a women and aren't comfortable with the homosexual awkwardness they feel creeping in. I've never met anyone like that so I don't understand how uncomfortable it would be too see a SUPER feminine guy, but I don't think I'd abandon them. I dont think I could abandon anyone. So while Yuki thinks he's being bullied he's just being avoided lol.

Maria is a child prodigy and high school teacher though she's only like 10. So while intelligent the little lady is VERY naïve and gullible. In fact the neighbors club's very existence is due to Yozora playing Maria like a fiddle. She's manipulated by potatoe chips! She's a little cutey that's for sure.

Last but certainly not least we got Rika, my personal favorite. This mad scientist has no friends and no sense of shame for that matter. I think I like her alot because in reality I get along most with women that aren't snooty and act non-vulgar when they're just as much a beast as me. She carries a porn that is mecha related for godsakes! Haha. Then she's talking about sex nice and easy, I love it. She would fit in the show SYD(full of sexual innuendoes and jokes) very well! I hope hat show has a second season by the way. I think Rika has a liking to Kodaka too, at least that's what I take from the statement of having sexual intercourse with him(at the very least she finds him handsome)

Then in episode 5 we have the anime ALL READY caught up to the manga! Man they bull rushed right through the show. I think they did it early so no longer do they have to be constricted to the manga's story path and can do its own thing without fans crying like babies since its been faithful THUS far. I'm happy about it because now I don't have to wait to read one chapter of Boku Wa ONCE a month. I am curious where the story will go. I hadn't even thought about it yet. So far one episode has covered like 4 chapters worth while the anime leaves out a few details here and there but thats to be expected to be honest.

I WISH I COULD LIVE IN A GAME TOO SENA! Wouldn't life be so much more cooler?! Cool music to come on when your in a fight or being able to have miracles happen like catch a fist before it hits a girl and then have that girl stalk you with her love LOL! oh well. Now I don't know about everyone else but Kodaka is being a bit neglectful. He needs to spend time with his little sis Kobato because Kodaka is all Kobato has. Not to mention Kobato is a little cutey too, with the mannerisms and gothic lingerie lol.

looks like SNES sorta...

Sneak in the bottom cheeks lol
oh, underhanded fanservice!

Now as for the VR gaming they were doing... I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THAT KIND OF INTERACTIVE GAMEPLAY MY WHOLE LIFE! But if it looked like that Large Head brand contraption I wouldn't use it. That thing looked f*ckin dangerous. A beta technology that goes over my brain and flashes radiation in my cornea. BUT if there were girls that dressed as provocative as THAT... I can guarantee I'd be a lab rat for. Rika had her boobies just chill'n in a push-up bra thing and Sena is wearing like two inches of clothing including a G-string and tape around the bust. Yozora is cosplaying it up and happy about it as a rose haha! Women love tights! then most funny of all was Kodaka. The dude was a "wizard" BUT in the otaku and computer nerd sense NOT magical sense LOL! He had like anime posters coming out his back-pack. It cracked me up in the manga and anime. Then Yuki was a bada$s looking samurai. Thats how I'd had liked to look. Maria was well.... a generic sister her apparel hardly changed haha.

As for the Warsubo and their many variations... If those things existed in a sea with teeth like those!? Holy F*ck those things were terrifying looking. I wouldn't be swimming you can bet that much. Oh yea and have we learned nothing from our worlds many mass extinctions and genocides!?!? Those poor warsubo  :(  On a happy note Kabato is joining the club and will protect her bro from Maria lol.


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