One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Hey, any and all. Happy Halloween for the 2011 year. To be honest it really snuck up on me this year. I don't feel I properly enjoyed the season but then again I find my self more and more busy too. Oh well! I still watched horror stuff. Today I enjoyed fan fair with my family AND relaxed with friends, and as for just recently? I got some down time. I wrapped myself up in a blanket and read the Mirrai Nikki manga to the Silent Hill 2 soundtrack! Very fun. But I thought I'd come on here and wish a good Halloween to everybody! The one day where being disgusting and horrifying is..... WELL, a GOOD thing. Its the one day I can crawl out from under the rubble with out being seen as an abomination to nature where I'm then hunted down by torches and pitch forks LOL! Well I found some Naruto Halloween pictures! Hinata dressed up as Naruto! That cracked me up. They better couple up in the show and address the confession thing after Madarra is done killing everyone. Oh yea, I also played the demo on Limbo.... My GOD what a beautiful and solemn game. It is like interactive art. I can't wait to play the whole game. It was the highlight of my Halloween day(not really but I did enjoy it). Well have a good one everyone!


Thought I'd add this pic since it REALLY stuck in my craw!
She broke her freaking teeth in C3-Cube, Horrifying woman!

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