One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, October 17, 2011

Persona 4 the Animation Episode 2

Ah another very interesting and mystery filled episode of Persona! I did I mention how enamored I am with cool characters that almost supernaturally or through divine intervention know what to do? Well for me Narukami was this! He just... DOES it! No two ways about it. *Walking Dead premier about to come on I'll continue this later* Just got done watching it.... My God! Walking Dead is so good!! Keep faith y'all! And also if your a hunter make sure theres nothing behind your prey.... Anyway back to Persona :) Well they learned how to enter and exit the.... What is it the velvet room? Is that what they are calling that "otherworld"? well since thats what the penguin looking dude and sultry beauty call it, I'll go with that if it is indeed what it is called.

I too, would be worried sick after all the adrenaline and combat is over and you have to think.... "ok the battle and immediate threat has been dealt with, how are we getting back?" haha. Lucky for them they get a time skip to where they find that bear thing. So with everyone rallied with the bear three T.V.'s appear. That bear wants them out and I don't blame it or him or her, whatever IT is, since the humans attract shadows. So after Naru, Sato, and Hana get back they're like whoa! I wonder what a shopper at Junes would have thought seeing people materialize out of T.V.'s? Probably wouldn't go well.

Anyway I was right! Sh*t hit the fan with that stoner looking girl Konishi who is Hana's love interest, or should I say WAS. Yep, she dead. I was wrong in that Hana and her didn't even have a chance at a date. Poor bast*rd.... Well actually when we find out Hana saw Konishi on the midnight television(or what ever the kids are doing these days) we find that there's a correlation between people showing up and that person then becoming deceased. So understandably they(Hana and Naru) want to find out whats going on. So after a hilarious poltergeist scenario(with Naru and Hana entering the Velvet Room through that Junes T.V. with ropes tied around their waist with Sato holding the rope, minus the whining midget) the duo successfully transfer over. On arrival we find the Bear is hollow, yep. Then Hana gets some glasses that make the vision clear as if the Velvet Room weren't foggy. I like this concept they have. When its foggy in reality the Velvet Room is clear and vice versa. So the clearer it is in reality then the Velvet Room is a dangerous hell hole, BUT I wonder if that when its super foggy in reality you have a good chance of being kidnapped into the Velvet Room? I'm still not sure how one enters that world...

So CUTE! Oh I'm a sucker for women in any medium or media lol

Long story short Hana meets his Evil Ash equivalent. This guy knows the true darkness in Hana's heart that Hana consciously denies, so we have this inner turmoil and friction. Everyone talked behind Hana's back and used him including Konishi(or so Evil Hana says but STILL, its probably true) so maybe Konishi gett'n downed taint so bad after all I's reckons! Karma. But still Hana's love was NOT fake like he was with the others pretending not to know the truth. thats why I always said poor is better, since you got noth'n to lose, everything to gain, and no bodies using you because you got noth'n TO use. Well Hana comes to terms with this and is able to weaken Evil transformed Persona Hana enough that Naru's Persona delivers the final electrical blow. Very stylish I must say. Now Hana has the glasses and a cool Persona of his own and is essentially a new man. Although as a side effect of this journey, a worried sick Sato insists on steak and beef noodles as payment for the worry they brought upon her. I love a girl that can eat!

what do I know? Well they are now all teamed up with the Bear on finding the killer/person/beast throwing people in the Velvet Room where they're Persona's then tear them apart. I'll bet konishi's Persona made her regret deceiving Hana, a sad situation... So die there and end up dead in reality? Also I think every person will now take turns getting they're Persona in an un-formulaic way as to avoid what everyone hated in Blood-C you bunch of whiners! Actually Amagi has yet to see that place or know anything about it. I guess she's busy avoiding really creepy stalkers that want to ask her on dates though honestly that weird dude at the beginning.... The air was sinister I tell you. And theres the two characters in the OP that we haven't seen, I look forward to next week.

-Relic P.S. would have had this out sooner BUT was on vacation away from computers. Next week I have the symphony and a party so I'll be late again. Good week! oh yea I like the art but it has 12 o'clock shadow symptom, know what I mean? lol everyone has brown color around chin like stubble, oh well.

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