One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Zelda Orchestra in L.A. on October 21st! See you there!

I am looking foreward to this in ways people could never imagine! My friends planned it early July and now it's right around the corner! Yee haw! Alot has happened since and this is bound to be a great reprieve from life. Zelda music? I love it. Then after that a costume party when we get back(being so close to Halloween) where I'll attend dressed like Link! Lol of course. So with a long trip down to L.A. I got my ipod charged TWO playlists ready(full of Vocaloid and other J-pop) I got my survival pack....well.... PACKED(munchies, clothing and a charger)! I'm so excited. I'll be sure to TRY and get some COOL shots. I do NOT guarantee quality though. But this is all just beating around the bush. I won't have my Persona and Boku Wa coverage out till around Sunday again. And then later blog my experience, anything memorable. All hail the tri-force!


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