One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lithium flower

That is the name of a song in ghost in the shell, which I recently bought. I like anime OP's, ED's and Japanese music(in particular but other languages music as well)just as much as I like my slip knot, korn, coldplay, chancellor Warhol, video game soundtracks and classical. If it sounds good I listen but honestly I do have an affinity for foreign stuff since I was brought up on the western flavor and get bored with it sometimes. Anyway I bring it upbecause I bought some ghost in the shell soundtrack some aquarion sound track and other stuff like sour water flavor, good stuff. And I bring this up because I also bought the "this is the one" album by Utada. I got it for the kingdom hearts songs not on ITunes but I got to say the whole album sounds good but honestly Utada should stay away from western themed sleaze and stick to soulfull CLEAN stuff like simple and... Well clean. Hahaha. I also got Indigo Prophecy from gamestop( they are b*astards who rob with their policies) which I loved. I enjoy playing last gen games all the way back to NES and beat them as "projects" I call them. Well my ps2 controller freaked out when I got the wire untangled as if being in the tangle allowed it not to short out. In anger and boredom I took it apart surgically. It looks neat inside! I'll show the pics some time. Now what this is really all about? Just a quick write-up no pics or anything on how I'll blog Mirrai Nikki as soon as I see it. I'm still waiting. Also I caught up on all the shows. A good season, only a few I'm not watching. Tamayura,chihayafuru,bakuman,maji de watashi,maken-ki,c cubed,Ben-to,shinryaku ika musume, and a few others ASIDE from the three I guarantee to blog about are what I'm enjoying. Still waiting for guilty crown and UN-go n' stuff to see how good those are. All the ones I've named I am really enjoying and following so a good season for me. I still want to blog a few and at this point it will be based off release schedule since I can't handle anymore Thurday shows(double booked) but Mirrai Nikki is so far off I feel one or two at the beginning of the week would be nice, we'll see. After I've seen a little of all the shows I'll decide. Just a heads up!

-Relic p.s. Zelda orchestra on the 21st! SO CLOSE! Good night any and all.

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