One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, October 17, 2011

Boku Wa Tomodachi episode 2

Yea, I got no clue either.......... An avid fan THATS for sure...

Well this weeks episode of Boku Ha(I thought it was "wa" which sounds better to me) is upon us. I found it to be hilarious and every joke was a hit for me, NO misses to be had. Being a Monster Hunter buff myself I especially appreciated it, at least I WAS a buff of the PS2 version.

I like the tactics Yozora is using. She sees people enjoying a game together.... SO why not use them as a model to gain friendship. Right!? At least that was the plan. I like the PSP parody, though the PFP in God Only Knows I find to be alot funnier and prevalent, in fact that whole show is practically founded upon it.
Still it was very true to the game.

Everything they did playing MH I either did too or did in some other game *cough* hitting my friend in the back in Halo Combat Evolved for an instant kill that would spawn retaliation and an endless feud of brutal spinal taps for hours rather than finish the mission *cough* or up-swinging your buddy in the egg carrying quests right before he drops it in the box JUST to spite them LOL! Oh man the memories! I couldn't stop laughing this episode.

If it looks like a vespoid, and dies like a vespoid, chances are its probably a vespoid or the equivalence there of. You have the rank system the shame of letting people see your game play time, the weapons, IT WAS ALL SO FUNNY! I myself put up a RESPECTABLE 312 hours over a year or two on the PS2 version. Then you have Sena who acts like she doesn't care about the game. Then we find out she played it the entire weekend with almost no break. HAHA! Oh man nothing worse than being found out, let me tell you.

Sena was rock'n what looked to me like a Chrome Razor type great sword, with what would be like vespoid armor. Poor Kodaka is still stuck with the leather armor type or iron armor haha. He is so weak he can't protect himself from even the bird like creature having its way with him, whilst Sena and Yozora  are oblivious, lost in their rivalry. Then Yozora has a hunter type armor using a cross bow. We didn't have that weapon OR the great sword, super charge up, back when I played! But it was funny when Sena took advantage of it to incapacitate/murder Yozora. AHHHH nothing like a little bit of friendly fire to mix it up. Sena's face when she betrays Yozora, THE TEETH IN HER MOUTH! Terrifying. You got the cats that run you around on the gurney. Well done, every fan would agree I think. Then the volcanoe and the ioprey and those little crab things that ate Kodaka while he was mining dragonite ore, and actually..... playing MH the.... I don't know, right way? lol which only gets him eaten ha! I like the battle thats being raged between the two girls with the "PSP's" as a medium. Friendly competition only serves to improve the other right?

The dating sim they played also shot snippets of God Only Knows into my head. Except those two ladies REALLY could have used the help of that shows protagonist in "catching" the virtual women. We have Sena and Yozora finally agreeing on something. Which is basically the nicer you seem the more of a bast*rd you are. Go figure! In the end they don't catch Yukiko or whatever and while Sena bawls her eyes out Yozora goes to hunt down the pink haired menace. Good turn out I'd say, THOUGH Kodaka admittedly missed out on a great opportunity to console Sena. Oh well, romantic comedies are founded upon squandered opportunity.

Cute episode full of laughs and action, and tons of videogame and other anime parodies. I liked the sight of Sena in cross dress, my God that'd be quite a bust for a man to have, I don't even think our beloved red haired trap butler could hide those kind of lady bumps! Next episode looks equally filled with hijinks!

-Relic P.S. I understand the picture quality might have lacked, blame the source!

P.S.S. Had more pics but I'm not really pleased with the quality AND I just did this post back to back with Persona so.... Yea, I dont know if I told you but doing as many pics as I did, ESPECIALLY as many as Persona I got winded to just get the pics READY, just to get ready to be posted here takes me hour exactly of doing this repeatedly like a robot: import,rotate,remove blemish,crop,done;then do that for each photo. THEN I select individually each pic in order to upload here which takes forever and lastly put them here so, please appreciate them HAHA! O.K. goodnight any and all.

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