One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wednesday Anime Overview 2


Dropped Maken-Ki! Like it was a backed potatoe straight out of the oven. I watched 5 minutes and couldn't stomach anymore. When I see a boob shot 2 minutes in I know the series is NO GOOD. At least for me. Story usually lacks with standard fan service as the driving force, I don't like shows like that USUALLY. So after the OP and that scene I quit right then. Plus I'm not really into the fighting martial art fan service ones so yep Maken- Ki! Fare well.

Look at those sumptuous lips!

Ben-to 2- What a show!!!! Oh man I am so intrigued by it! I thought Voices of a Distant Star and Spirited Away were original! Who thinks of this stuff!?!?? You have the classes of bento brawlers like boar(over weight burly women who is rude and TAKES bentos without following "rules", and rudely to top it off) the storm(the rugby club full of steryoripical gym rats that can't help eat like gluttons to sate their lust for a full belly after a day of hard work in sports) then there is the wizard! Mysterious and BADA$S I know!!! Yū is the legendary bento brawler I assume an ALPHA wolf if you will. All I can think is metal gear solid with wolf references and that bearded guy that has a bandanna on. Then wolves are people wanting bentos but operate in a set of rules or guidelines, samurai of the half priced bento hunters if you will. Then dogs are essentially weak wolves who aspire to be wolves, just learning th guidelines of half priced bento hunting, making a name for them selves. I loved the episode. Oh the days when eating and drinking off girls was an indirect kiss lol. Still I'm feeling the friendship between Hana, not necessarily anything romantic. Ume the girl that accosts both Hana and Yō out of jealousy is definitely yuri for Hana, haha. Ultimately it will be Ice witch and Yō that couple up, at the lest Yō sure does like her chest... Then again he liked the brunette quite a bit too. My advice to women is if you want a guy to do something for you, rub your breasts on him. When it happens to me my entire brain melts and all cognitive processes go right out the door lol.

C3 Cubed 3- Well only three episodes in and this show gets the SCHOOL DAYS EPISODE 12 AWARD!!!! Why? Well because those this SEEMED as light hearted as Baka to Test it is.... Well NOT. If not for the blood, gore, dark air to it and suicide attempts then for the CLASSIC "I know I should be scared but I'll laugh instead as I'm covered in blood" scene. That chick that lost her arm is just bat sh*t crazy I tell you. About as messed up as Fear and Fear killed at least 357(almost 358) people with the man penetrator drill thing, imagine kills total! She has been used to torture and slaughter every type of person of every circumstance..... IMAGINE what that blond haired girl went through to be as dysfunctional as she is... That bandaged girl turned out to be a cute little thing with the whole enigmatic aura thing going in, I like it. I'd also like to put my OWN little curse on my home boy Haruaki. ANYTIME IN AN ANIME THAT I HEAR THE GUY WILL ALWAYS SAVE AND COME AFTER HER YOU ARE ALWAYS BOUND TO FAIL, or at the least be put through absolute hell to keep your end of the bargain. Girls got it EASY, they just have to be captured/stolen/killed/raped/beaten, the guy has to get up and go do the saving against impossible odds! Think about it. Berserk, Gurren Lagann, Halo(I know it's not anime!), Gosick, Eureka, etc.! I'm tell'n you, even if you feel that way don't say it or your f*cked. Well it was cute episode and a dramatic one, so I was thrilled watching it. This show is very good, blew MY expectations right out of the water, or blood should I say? Either way good ep. And misinterpreted situations never get old for me :)

One second in you get this LOL!

Reminded me of Evangelion:End of Evangelion commentary by Talissan
Japhery(how you spell it?) "Honey the penguin is watching!"

Maji de Watashi 3- ok I'm really torn... The show is JUST as fan servicey as Maken BUT I feel they do it right.... MOSTLY, sorta kinda lol. The jokes like the Pluto thing, and Yamato looking at the hentai game Miyako made, IS funny, but the story itself I feel is getting lack luster and even boring for me. The flair of episode 1 is gone and is going downhill since. I mean the over-all quality is still better and the concept is better. I don't mind fan service but if it devolves into a mess with no sustenance I'll drop it. As it is the jokes are funny, especially the hermit crab thing! "THE HERMIT CRABS ARE WATCHING!"right after Yamato was told NOT to act like a girl lol! The morning wood he had was funny AND unexpected for that matter. And the story I's still ok with a love polygon, I'm fine with that. BUT if this becomes a full blown harem I'm done. As it is, I like it still, good jokes and ok story. I am looking for the over-arcing plot still.

Bakuman S2 3- I really enjoy this show. No matter what characters they elaborate on in the episode I always enjoy them. This time the focus was primarily on Nakai and Kō. Nakai is INCREDIBLY persistent. I am a humble sage of middle ground. I don't find myself to far on either side of ANY spectrum UNLESS it is Silent Hill related OR Bruce Campbell. That aside Nakai's persistence is so much so he seemed a stalker... Had it been ANY other circumstance this would have ended badly I think. BUT in the end I suppose it worked out. He gets to work with Kō and didn't freeze to death. I don't get why women can be so.... Evil! At least kick him down so hard he won't come crawling back OR stop stringing him around and catch him already, poor bast*rd! In this case though all things you normally WOULDN'T want to do, ended up the right way to go about it. all about perspective and circumstance. Kō hopefully learned to stop being so stubborn and egotistical. Best wishes to those two.

I know these aren't ep. 4 screen caps my source CRASHED.
Go figure. Another screwball Shinryaku week of photos.

WHAT a masochist... 

Shinryaku S2 4- I was in stitches the WHOLE episode. The English speaking was so STUPID BUT FUNNY! I've never heard so much English in a non-dub anime. The English voice acters were absolutely HORRENDOUS! Why would someone think an alligator was in the house where Cindy then fumbles around in circles like a doofus. The voices sounded like they were from Cerise on the new Iphone4SG whatever, so unnatural and forced. Even the conversation was so choppy it hurt me. The tickling was a let down. I hecka wanted to see Chizuru laughing. Oh well, the rest of the skit had a funny turn out. Still, that was so mea. I want a battle between Chizuru and someone else where she gets put in her place. How did she get so lethal anyway? I don't think Kakashi Hatake could hold a candle to her. Well not only did we get tons of English but also a Chibi Ika Musume AND we got to hear her squee. I loved this episode. This show like Nichijou NEVER disappoints.


Whole above scene-scene sequence cracked me up. The EYES!

Tamayura Hitotose 2- well having saw it almost a week ago I only remember being really happy that Fu is making friends INCLUDING the rekindled bond with her old friend Karou. There's also that cutey Maon that whistled good morning instead of actually saying hello to Fu. Then Maon's rambunctious counter part would be Norie. So with all four you have the motley crew, with everyone fulfilling a certain role. Karou has a good head on her shoulders and keeps everyone in check. Maon is the reserved one that always has the most observant outlook. Norie makes sure everything is ALWAYS an adventure. Finally the cornerstone that everyone revolves around is our lead, Fu AKA "Potte" lol. To see how they all interact is worth it's weight in gold. There's even their sensei that genuinely cares about ALL the students, offering advice and what not. He is full of terrible puns that I actually liked much like Maon did. Actually when Maon admitted she liked the puns I was smiling ear to ear. When quiet people speak their mind I love it because it just goes to show how much stalk they have in what ever it is. Even Karou's older sister was happy to have Fu back since they all had played together as children with Sayomi as the ringleader. With just a photo you can see and understand how everyone interacts and their relationship with one another. That isn't easy to do. What's more heart warming is how even when Ayana left her home town how everyone still worried about and missed her. Very satisfying show, very cathartic. Now about Sayomi being a blanket hog... Being one myself I can only imagine the destruction our rivalry would create ;)BUT my God this show has for a second time choked me up... I just get pain and people have a huge effect in how I feel since I myself tend to let my own suffering role off my shoulders I take alot of notice in others'. The music comes on very sweetly and it is not sad music in fact the music is so beautiful and solemn as Sayomi and Fu talk about such a beautiful thing which is love of life and love of others even after they're no longer with you, something EVERYBODY on the planet will at some point experience. So between the sweet music and beautiful words the two share AND the montage of pictures, a point in time forever frozen with all the emotions and experiences with it, just got to me. It is one of the MOST heart warming and beautiful scenes of anime I've ever experienced, or of any media for that matter. It was just done right, the feelings of the characters were perfectly conveyed and this harmonized in the viewer. Something about the scene flowed in me in such a way I don't think ANY words could articulate how I felt BUT a sort of melancholic nostalgia of a time that can never be had back again, but though it has passed and THAT is sad you can look back and remember a time you truly loved and cherish, and can accept everything that's happened up until now FINALLY after much heart ache... That is how I'd sum up my feelings. I love this show. BUT I can't individually blog it. Just Can't, but it is quite possibly becoming one of my favorites EVER. Clean comedy love and friendship, sadness intertwined with happiness, everything I love.

I know exactly what he's going through, poor kid

Chihayafuru 3- What can I say? Tamayura runs so close to this show and both have chucked me up in different ways. Tamayura in the sense one experiences the reality of tragedy but has over come it and the emotion comes from the nostalgia. While the episodes in Chihayafuru are nostalgic flash backs for me I'm right in the thick of it(very liken to Ano Hana) so the emotion is from the what if? What lies in the future? In regards to changing schools and leaving behind your best friends. I know the grief that comes with the type in Chihaya(changing schools, leaving behind friends) and Tamayura's(living past the death of a loved one) had I watched either of these series at different moments in my life I WOULD NOT AND COULD NOT have appreciated them like I do now having experienced what the characters in the shows have, first hand. Chihayafuru and Tamayura are so beautiful. Very few anime get to me like these ones are. Even Ano hana's was over the top and sometimes I almost laughed, but these shows are just too realistic. About as sad as the ending of Angel Beats, BUT in a very different way the shows can't be compared and I like these shows alot more. What are the odds of having two of my favorite shows perhaps of any anime I've ever seen being discovered in ONE season?! I voted for both of these in the poles for anime I was looking forward to, and my God I was underestimating how much I'd love them and I had VERY high expectations... They just couldn't all play together forever, sadly life RARELY allows such hopes and wishes to come true. I still think that they're going to meet in high school heck Taichu and Chihaya already have, now we just need Arata! I hope Arata and Chihaya one day couple together. Well I loved the episode and really like the Doctor, who Chihaya sought for advice. He had wisdom on his side and had probably experienced the samethings in his own travels on the road of life. I always liked those kind of character traits(sage knowledge). Another great week!

I love the art style... Look at those dark, mysterious, glossy eyes!

Walking Tamayura ball?

Tamayura Hitotose 3- I JUST watched the new one. A nice change in pace. Were slowly getting a feel for ALL of the characters. For the most part this episode had alot of Maon and Norie, Norie more so than Maon. Also a new character was introduced named Komachi who is Norie's live rival, if you can even call it that. While Norie's love is almost like one would have for a sibling, Komachi's is one of romance, but Komachi doesn't understand or even bother to notice the difference and thus the rivalry was born. It doesn't help that Norie is just as childish as an elementary school girl, hahaha. But it does make for hilarious entertainment. The episode focuses around cooking which is a method in portraying cooking as a tool for learning how to do things for the right reasons. Not to cook for a competition OR for cookings sake but to do it for somebody you love and want to be happy, and while the focus was on cooking this ideology applies to most everything if your a philosophical romantic like myself ;) The episode was good. Fu's little brother has someone crushing on him. Norie can interpret Maon's whistling as actual words or emotional implications. Fu is still unable to acquire a legible photo of that white puffy........ ACTUALLY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE F*CK THAT SAUNTERING ABOMINATION IS! Looks like a cat, but also a marshmallow or even a Tamayura which is what the show is named after! There's even mentions of them in episode 2, and I learned in school when a title reference was made it is significant.... No sh*t Sherlock, is what I always used to think in school getting patronized like a simpleton, then again I assume everyone should know what I know, myself the standard or bare minimum BUT then again I AM a self pretentious bast*rd. But I'm off topic like I always am. Don't you love these overviews!? Good episode of Tamayura as usual.

-Relic P.S. I don't know why but I have almost ZERO interest in MIRRAI Nikki... No clue except maybe because I read the manga? Not sure but while I'll watch it(maybe) I can't being myself to write about it. It's so good too! I know it is but, it's like the batman games, heck G.I. Gave it a 10 today but I just don't care or want to play it. I'm looking forward to Silent Hill Downpour and Halo 4 and MGSRising. Any way a stellar season so far. Symphony Thursday I'll give a write up about my anticipation tomorrow!

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