One of best animes and just movie in general

One of best animes and just movie in general
Potential of art

Monday, October 31, 2011

Persona 4 the Animation Episode 4

It definitely started quick. We find Naru gets ANOTHER power! I didnʼt play the game so 
Iʼm not sure how many Personas he gets to have. Sato is immediately taking the lead 
and slicing stuff up with her new found Persona. I donʼt know when but sheʼs got the 
glasses now too(the have some rainbow stripes on the side)! Those glasses make 
everything better I tell you! The action is a little more action-y, the sexiness a bit more.... 
sexy. I love it, its like the initiation thing, you know your a bada$s when you got Teddie 
giving you some glasses. Now Iʼd like to quickly mention my thinking when they run into 
Amagi at the top of the stairs... What was Amagi doing(her Persona version that is)? 
Why didnʼt Amagi just send those tongue monsters before and then just wait in her 
Persona form for the group? Was she just sitting up there with her back turned JUST so 
she could get caught with her pants down(figuratively of course)? I think most people 
donʼt think twice but when you have that video game moment where they give a speech 
as your hanging off a ledge giving just enough time for the tables to turn...It never made 
sense! Just go over there step on there fingers! Albeit, I acknowledge this doesnʼt make 
for good entertainment BUT Iʼm just saying...... 

Well we get some of Amagiʼs back story which was QUITE nice, I must say. I was 
REALLY loving that bird cage permutation and how it was a parallel of how Amagi felt 
deep down. Hasnʼt everyone at some point felt like they were suffocating from their own 
life. Feeling destined to be something you donʼt want. Amagi dinʼt ask to be the 
successor of an inn yet here she is, born to here fate. Nobody wants to feel the 
constraint of something like that, to feel the pressure and forced burdens of other 
people. At the least Amagi could commiserate with the bird she found right?! Well no. 
That bird refused to be caged in and went to soar into its OWN sky and horizon, while Amagi was left behind. She was probably angry that she wasnʼt needed like she finally 
felt she was(which she is to Sato but a lack of confidence and being misunderstood, you 
can see the trouble this can cause). At some point co-dependence can be the death of 
someone. Amagi wanted to be saved by someone but that person couldnʼt even save 
them selves. Sato and Amagti need each other to stand which is fine as long as it isnʼt 
dysfunctional like it was(Satoʼs jealousy and Amagiʼs lack of self worth, bad combo 
though their friendship looked good on paper Iʼll admit). 

I like the point Naru made. Even though Sato couldnʼt do everything and be Amagiʼs 
prince(Idolm@ster episode 17 anyone?), Sato genuinely loved Amagi truly cherishing 
her friendship regardless of the jealousy she occasionally walks hand in hand with. Sato 
tried too hard to save Amagi instead of letting Amagi save her self! The fisherman, teach 
a man to fish he can feed himself for life, proverb comes to mind. It was really a very 
touching and morally intricate episode if you were willing to dig deep and glean the 
philosophic lessons it subtly provided. I love it! 

also liked the implications of needing to accept even the negative, and not leave 
anyone behind or forget about them. I think the tortured Persona souls when I think 
about this. Sure they seem terrible but think about it. Theyʼre all alone and hated. 
Wouldnʼt that warp your sense of morality too? The personas are also very childlike, 
they just want to be loved and needed too. And really these Personas are just the 
characteristics in yourself that you find undesirable and shove away deep in the 
subconscious. How can you love others when you donʼt completely love yourself? And 
by loving your Personas and accepting them you can then begin to love and accept 
others. It was very cathartic episode and when Amagi hugged her Persona who was like 
a child full of superficial problems that just needed a spanking(or round house kick of 
fire) and a good talking to, to reform, my heart squirmed(in a good way).

On a lighter note, Narukami got his facial expression all the way to clumsy, hell he even 
smiled in this episode! I like the interactive eye catches the show has. As for Amagi, 
sheʼs actually quite hilarious, she just had to be comfortable with herself and everyone 
else, in fact sheʼs down right dorky(in a good way) and i liked this other side of Amagi 
that no one sees too much beside I suppose Sato. With everyone in their quadrio clan 
with their own Personas and newfound iron will Iʼm excited for next week!  I wonder why 
Naru never had to fight his Persona though..... Hmmm? he IS a bada$s I guess!


Happy Halloween!

Hey, any and all. Happy Halloween for the 2011 year. To be honest it really snuck up on me this year. I don't feel I properly enjoyed the season but then again I find my self more and more busy too. Oh well! I still watched horror stuff. Today I enjoyed fan fair with my family AND relaxed with friends, and as for just recently? I got some down time. I wrapped myself up in a blanket and read the Mirrai Nikki manga to the Silent Hill 2 soundtrack! Very fun. But I thought I'd come on here and wish a good Halloween to everybody! The one day where being disgusting and horrifying is..... WELL, a GOOD thing. Its the one day I can crawl out from under the rubble with out being seen as an abomination to nature where I'm then hunted down by torches and pitch forks LOL! Well I found some Naruto Halloween pictures! Hinata dressed up as Naruto! That cracked me up. They better couple up in the show and address the confession thing after Madarra is done killing everyone. Oh yea, I also played the demo on Limbo.... My GOD what a beautiful and solemn game. It is like interactive art. I can't wait to play the whole game. It was the highlight of my Halloween day(not really but I did enjoy it). Well have a good one everyone!


Thought I'd add this pic since it REALLY stuck in my craw!
She broke her freaking teeth in C3-Cube, Horrifying woman!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chibi Devil Episode 2

We pick up seamlessly from where we left off last week. Mao has his milk and Sawada is content too. She even has a close friend. Kyou is a dude that I suppose is a child hood friend. He seems nice enough and its nice to know Sawada isn't completely alone. Kyou also brings his friend Shin who is the COMPLETE oppisite of Sawada, in that he's rough, loud, short tempered, but caring. Shin even sees that Sawada is exceptionally cute and loving when he sees her assuage Mao's cries when Shin upsets Mao. I hope they get a coupling since their contrasting personalities will, like Sato and Amagi's in Persona, make up for the other's short comings. Upon investigation they all discover that Mao is perhaps not wearing accessories but truly has wings and a tail coming out of him.

Mao is also being watched by some other deamon people. Perhaps ensuring Mao is happy by keeping a discrete watch over him? Well Kyou runs off to watch anime(breaking the fourth wall sorta kinda or its ironic that anime characters are going to go watch anime, I dunno) and leaves Shin and Sawada together.  This married like couple pursues Kyou and in the panic and ruckus leaver the door opened. When they come back little Mao is gone. I wonder what Tom foolery our cast of characters will get into next week.


persona 4 the Animation Episode 3

I was pretty spot on with my thinking that the following episodes would have to do with each main character acquiring a Persona of their own. May I just quickly say that each week I don't own and can't play this game(Zelda performance broke my bank, I can barely afford to breathe air) is another week I scheme to come up with the funds to get it! The yellow box art and cover beckons me. Anyway when Sato and Amagi were kids they were so cute! You could see their personality even then.

Well I got to say I am liking the approach to Persona THUS far. Though they're essentially using a formula, it is a good one and the formula uses variation in order to keep it fresh. I can't get enough of Sato! Oh yea I'm using nick names for our characters. I'm notoriously biased in regards to my affinity for anime characters. I generally am indifferent to every male character EXCEPT the type like our man Naru! I'll get to him later though. As for Sato. I love that she is a female and has my favorite personality, which would be the head strong personality and one full of smiles, but STILL has faults and character flaws where we find they're not as care free as we'd previously thought. Sato has that really balanced friendship with Amagi, they complement each other so well. THEN Amagi goes missing. Sato, joined by Hana and Naru, desperately searches for Amagi in the Velvet Room. In doing so Sato came across her Persona. Her Persona was UNEXPECTEDLY sorta....kinda..... well, SEXY! and mysterious with those yellow eyes of hers. Then she turns all S+M looking with a giant yellow banana mask, with these really gross man eyes and... yea its NOT happy times. I think what the shows theme is, this far in, is that we should not repress the parts of our personality that we find undesirable because in doing so we are not truly being 'us' and by burying it the trait only becomes more warped and out of hand and will manifest itself some how some way. Accept who you are and then recognize even the malevolent part of what makes you, YOU, where you can then  make an attempt to eradicate the trait or at the least live beside it with a close eye so as to keep it in check. Sato needs to be comfortable with who she is. She may not be Amagi but Amagi isn't Sato and in being together they can rub off on each other , mutually benefit each other, and minimize chances of jealousy or resentment. I hope Sato can save Amagi, just the way they became friends was cute. Especially Sato's big Mastiff looking dog that brought the two together so long ago.

Now as for Naru... I love when the cool types suddenly reveal heaps of personality. He saw Amagi acting QUITE provocative on the midnight television. When called by Hana who asked if Naru saw it he was like, I wished I'd TAPED it. Even he has desires. Amagi is cute, he knows that, and he wants to see her do sexy things and act phoophy. What more logic be needed? Him and Hana are making a cool team, with Hana slowly learning how to fight from Naru who is supernaturally adept at it and somehow knows the intricate details without prior knowledge(or so it seems). He even disassociates him self from Hana(I don't know if it was just because people are being murdered left and right but those police were overly cautious, not to mention the swords were fake weren't they?) in an attempt to avoid the slammer. I love it when people leave their friends out to dry with no remorse but then get caught up anyways. With those two and sato's new abilities I'm confident they'll save Amagi. Heck Naru gets multiple Persona's?! Pyro Jack was sick as f*ck yo! I feel bad for the BAD guys. Oh yea, and police detectives shouldn't be so loose speaking.

Now as for Naru getting bit in the hand by Teddie.... UHHHHH what if someone had seen him stick his hand through a GOD D*MN TELEVISION!?!?!? THAT, I guarantee would not have blown over very well :) in fact I would have absolutely pulled a bystander and screeeeeeeeamed like a pig, haha! As for Amagi acting very B-Hata-ish I dont know why. She wants a harem and is wearing(or so she says) lingerie panties!? acting flirty? So uncharacteristic. I think maybe its not really Amagi. Who knows? I liked it though, I can hardly wait for next week.

Oh yea and that eye catch that shows his stats I think effects Naru in the show because the time he has better understanding he is really funny! And another thing I noticed is that little girl Nanako said the weather is nice so she should do laundry... that means the velvet room(I'm starting to doubt that this is what I should call the Other World but I'm stuck and enjoy it so for now its the Velvet Room) is a hell hole of hostility! Then Amagi is in deep sh*t! They got to find her. But by the looks of it shes already...brain washed? Acting how she... I dunno truly wants too? I have a feeling that Amagi's Persona is going to have a psychological field day, raping Amagi's mind.

-Relic P.S. I can't add enough EMPHASIS when I say Persona version of Satonaka was SEEEEEEXY!

Look at those sharp wolfish eyes and lips!
Not to mention that smirk!Dang!